CH#13: One knee

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*Hiccups P.O.V*


Everyone was at my house having fun and in my defence Jack picked the songs. It was nice seeing everyone enjoying and I saw the girls talking to each other.

I walked towards them. "Hello ladies" I greeted them politely and they nodded softly. "Hic your mansion's bathroom is bigger than my ROOM!. Although I live in a castle but this is just awesome. AND YOUR DOG IS SSOOO CCUUTEEE!!." It was Anna's first time being here as we newly added her to our team.

I borrowed Astrid and we stopped in the center of our friends circle. I grabbed everyone's attention by that.

"I have everyone here to seee do this. Astrid...I love you so so very much and I can never let you go." I bent down to one knee.

"Astrid Hofferson... Will you marry me" I opened the ring box to leave her jaw dropped to the floor.

"I...I...yes HELL YES!!" She exclaimed so that I could slip the ring on her finger.

We kissed and hugged for a long time crying tears of happiness. Jack hugged and patted me on the back.

The girls squealed about the most beautifulest ring in the world. "Dude that was some ring, even I couldn't afford that ring" Elsa came and brofisted with me.

"For special ones, everything can be afforded." I said while admiring Astrid .

*After 8 hours in this flashback*

"I hate you Astrid I never loved you. I cheated on you and just used you. Never talk to me again it is over"

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