Chapter #22: Something about her

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Hiccup's P.O.V

I didn't even realize that I was leaning on the door frame thinking about what next for an hour. I still haven't figured out what to do with my life next. A car stopped a few houses away, it was filled with pillows and bags. I decided to help her, she was probably moving in. A familiar blonde came out the car, I couldn't see her face because her back was facing me.

Third person P.O.V

Hiccup curiously walked towards the blonde. She was busy taking things out from the trunk of her car.

"May I help you?" Hiccup politely asked the mystery girl.

The girl was surprised and hit her head. She stood up facing Hiccup. Hiccup's face was shocked like he had seen a ghost.

"Astrid?!" He said with eyes more wider than the sun.

"How do know my name?".

Author: Sorry everyone for the REALLLY short chapter. My sessionals are on Monday so that's why I can't really can't post a long chapter. Always remember, Education first.

So that's it guys this was more like a teaser for the next chapters. And everyone who's confused about Astrid coming back. You'll find out about how she's alive in the next few chapters. Have a good day everyone, bye.

And plz vote 😃😅.

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