First Date (Derek x Reader)

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They say being patient is the best thing to do when it comes to love, because the greatest things happen to those who wait. Except, how long should one wait? A couple of days? A few weeks? Several months or years?

Derek Hale never had the patience for anything and he wasn't one to play games when it came to women. If he liked a girl, he marched right over and asked her out. Plain and simple. Except, when it came to Y/N, he felt like he was a teenage boy in high school again. His heart racing, palms sweating, and suddenly forgetting how to talk.

In his eyes, she was everything he was looking for in a woman. She was absolutely stunning, which constantly left Derek breathless every time he saw her. Her emerald eyes were like looking into a galaxy, something he could look into for hours and get lost in. Her wavy brown hair flowed down to her lower back so elegantly. Derek always imagined playing with her hair, twisting a strand between his index finger and thumb, running his fingers through her hair as they cuddled, and rubbing small circles as he cradled her head when he kissed her.

As beautiful as she was, what really attracted Derek was her confidence and intelligence. With those three characteristics, she's everything Derek had been looking for.

"Earth to Sour Wolf," Stiles' hand waved in front of Derek's face, causing him to pull out of his trance.

Derek turned around, away from the big plant he was hiding behind so Y/N wouldn't see him, to the lanky kid in front of him. "What?" He asked, annoyed Stiles interrupted his daydreaming.

"You're drooling," Stiles sassed.

Derek rolled his eyes as he fixed his black leather jacket. "How do I look? Did I put on too much cologne? Maybe I should just ask her out another time." Derek took a step towards the double glass doors, ready to make his exit.

Stiles grabbed Derek by his shoulders and turned him around. "Dude, you're like 30," Derek's eyes narrow at Stiles for adding several years to his actual age. "You're an alpha. You shouldn't be scared to ask a girl out."

"Girl?" Derek's eyebrows rose. "Girl?!" He repeated, whisper yelling at Stiles. "She's not some 'Girl', Stiles! She's a woman! A beautiful one at that. Not to mention she makes me extremely nervous," he rambled.

"Oh I know. You're practically sweating through that leather jacket."

"What?!" Derek whisper yelled a little too loudly before checking for any sweat stains on his grey V-neck.

"Wow," Stiles snorts. "She really does make you nervous."

Before Derek could strangle him for making him shit bricks, Y/N's head popped from behind the big plant Derek was hiding from just a few minutes ago. "Who makes you nervous?"

Derek jumped, making his hand fly to his chest, just above his heart, while Stiles let out a loud yelp, sounding more like a girl shrieking.

Y/N giggled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I heard a noise and came over to check it out. Then I saw you two and here we are."

Y/N's smile grew wider as she looked at Derek. "It's nice to see you again."

"Y-you too," Derek stammered.

"Are you here to pick up your prescription?" She asked as she looked at the tablet she had in her hands and pulled up Derek's file.

Derek studied her features. Behind her glasses, her eyes roamed around the screen as she read his file. His eyes then landed on her white coat, which was buttoned up. He couldn't get over how sexy it was that she was a pharmacist.

"Oh," she looked up from her tablet. "It said you picked up your prescription the other day. Are you here to drop off another one?"

"No, umm..." Derek's mouth felt like he had sand in his mouth, making it hard for him to talk.

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