Chapter 8

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My heart beat increased rapidly at his words and I couldn't help but love what he was saying to me, even though deep down I knew it meant nothing.

"Harry...I-" Is all I could say before he cut me off once again.

"Shhh....just stay, please." He pleaded and even though I wanted to protest, I gave in. Wow, I'm going to be studying politics and I can't even hold my ground for a stupid boy. How the hell will I last against other politicians?!

"O-Okay..." I whispered in defeat and a smile grew on his face. A beautiful smile. He grabbed my hand and took me down the hall, back to his room.

"What are we doing?" I asked as we walked through the door and he began to put last night's clothes back on.

"We're going to breakfast." Harry stated simply.

"Oh...Well I'm not sure if I have enough money left so maybe we should just stay here?" I suggested and he picked up his wallet.

"Camilla, I was planning on paying." He laughed and I just gave a small "Oh" and lightly laughed, but I couldn't help but feel bad. I hate when people pay for me. I hate depending on someone else. It just makes me feel guilty.


"I'll have two eggs over easy, hash-Brown's, and sausage links." I politely tell our waiter and he nods, then taking Harry's order. After a very awkward car ride, we arrived at a cute little diner not to far from Harry's place.

We didn't talk much on the way, other then him occasionally asking me a few questions about how I like the UK so far. I'm still not really sure why he wanted me to stay with him.

"So, tell me more about yourself." Harry said, snapping me from my thoughts. He was being....weird. Not like a actual weird kind of weird, but weird as in really interested in me and my personal life. He was being nice, but why me? What was so infatuating about me?

This is not how it is supposed to go. I was supposed to get in the cab and never see or hear from him again. It was just supposed to be some distant memory of my drunken mistake that I could look back on and laugh, not a 'going out to breakfast with him the next morning' thing.

"Oh, I um...I don't really know. I told you pretty much all the basics last night..." I answered, laughing at the end to lighten my mood.

"I kinda...forgot. I had a lot to drink last night...." He admitted to me and gave a small chuckle, but it got me thinking.

He was drunk last night. To the point where he couldn't remember what I told him. What if him being sober now, ends in him not liking me at all? What if he will think I'm strange or something but he didn't last night because of the alcohol clouding his judgement?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in a bad way..." He apologetically mummbled and I guess I was zoned out for longer than I thought.

"No, no. It's fine. I think I should get going now, though. I can ask for a To-Go box and I'll call a cab." I inform him and he frowns.

"Is there anything I can get you guys?" The waiter asks as he comes over to us, almost as if on cue, and I nod.

"A box To-Go please." I request and he smiles and then walks away to go get it.

"Camilla, I don't want you to think that I only liked you because of the drinks. That is not it at all. I just meant that I couldn't remember. I'm sure I loved what you said because I wouldn't have stayed sitting there with you if I didn't. I just-"

"It's fine, Harry. Really, it is. I know what you mean. I just think I should get going. I have to get back home to my roomate and I need to prepare for school." I give a small, reassuring smile. He frowns as I set my meal into the tiny, Styrofoam box and close it.

"Goodbye, Harry." I give him a light kiss on the cheek and walk away, dialing a number for the closest cab.


It's been a week since my little 'sleepover' with Harry. I've already started school and it's actually really fun so far. I like college.

I'm listening to the professor talk some more about current political events going on in the world today, then the phone on the wall rings.

"Excuse me for a moment." He says and we all nod. He walks over and answers, everyone begging to chit-chat. I don't really make small talk with anyone because I'm here to learn, not make friends.

"Camilla, they need you in the main office." My professor, Mr. Groh, tells me and everyone stares.

What the hell do they need me for?

I sigh and stand up, taking my book-bag with me. I get up from my seat and walk out the door, heading towards the office.

After turning down some twisty and confusing hallways, I arrive in the lobby area where the lady is sitting behind the counter, typing away on her computer.

"I was told that the office needed me?" I say and she looks up at me with a smile.

"Someone is here to see you..." She points to behind me and as I turn around, my eyes lock with non other than Harry Styles.


Okay, so I have been crazy busy and just now found the time to update. I am going to try and update again more often (:

I really hope you all enjoy what I have so far, and although I'm not far into the story yet, I will be making a sequel! Yay!

This is kinda short, sorry :(

Anyways, I love you all and I would love love LOVE for some votes and comments!)

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