Chapter 18

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Camilla's POV

Harry's bloody hand is bandaged up and he is still unconscious. The doctor said part of the reason that he dropped to the floor and passed out was because of the blood loss on his hand, and the other part being from his mum's death. Despite the fact that he broke up with me, I am still here by his bedside, waiting for him to wake up.

Eleanor and the boys are in the room with me, too. Zayn, Niall, Louis, and El on the couch; Liam on a chair. I begin to think about how Harry will react when he wakes up, but my thoughts are interrupted when Savanna rushes in the room.

"Holy shit is he okay?!" She asks before even saying hello first. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Eleanor roll her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. He will wake up soon. Nothing serious, just cut up his hand pretty bad." Louis tells her and she nods her head.

"No offense Sav, but how did you know? I mean, not that I don't want you here, I just don't know who told you..." I politely say and she sits down next to Niall who is blushing like crazy.

"Niall called me," She grins. "He told me where to come and what happened."

I just reply with a nod and pull out my phone. Not that I don't want her here, it's just, she can be a little....crazy at times and the current situation isn't suitable for that kind of personality.

And I feel like a total bitch because I have been ditching her a lot lately for the boys and El. It's just hard for me to balance. On one hand, I have my best friend since 8th grade, but on the other, I have my new-found friends that are totally amazing. 

As tempting as it is to check Twitter and read all of the hateful comments I get daily, I decide that that kind of negativity is not what I need right now and click on the Solitaire app. It's something I like to play when I need to calm down and will be very handy at the moment.

After four games, which I won, Harry stirs in his bed and we all turn our head to him. When his eyes flutter open, he looks confused and not aware of what is going on. My mouth opens to say something to him, but he notices and cuts me off.

"What are you doing here?" He asks and his voice is has no emotion whatsoever. It's not nice, it's not hopeful, it's not angry. It's emotionless.

I can take angry, I can take mad, I can take upset, but I can not take a voice filled with nothing because it's unreadable and it's insanely hard for me to tell what he is feeling. Does he want me here? Does he want me to get up and leave? I don't know. 

"What do you mean?" I ask and decide to act clueless, in hopes that he forgets everything that happened. It's selfish and a horrible thing to do, but if he really does want us to be over, I'm not sure how I'd deal. My body is filled with hope that he doesn't tell me to go.

"You....aren't we...never mind." He partially stutters and I turn my head in the other direction. He remembers. He probably just doesn't want to say it.

"How ya feeling?" Liam looks at Harry and he just shrugs.

"Physically I'm fine, but I'm not to sure about emotionally right now..." He answers and it's like I can feel a part of my heart break at his words.The rest of everyone must feel the same because the room gets silent and a few of us look down at the floor.

Someone knocks at the door a few times and Harry tells them to come in. It's the doctor. He has a clipboard in his hand and he walks over to us all.

"So, how are you feeling Harry?" He questions and Harry just shrugs.

"Well, considering the fact that your injury is fairly minor, as long as you feel okay you can go home." Dr. Welsh informs him and I faintly smile. Maybe we can go somewhere and talk things out?

"Oh. Alright."


The ride back consist of not a single word between Harry and I being said. Louis and Eleanor drove Harry's car to the hospital, just in case Harry got to leave, and the rest drove over in Zayn's. They all piled into Zayn's before us and left the two of us together. I know they just want us to work it out, but I wish they wouldn't have done it right now.

Harry is driving and hasn't even looked at me the whole time. I don't dare to make eye contact with him, so I scroll through my Instagram. We're at a stop and I can feel his eyes on my phone, so I decide to try and get something out of him. It's petty and childish, but I need him to say something.

With a few taps, I am on my ex-boyfriend's profile and scrolling through his pictures. I 'like' a few of his recent ones and my plan works because Harry grabs my wrist. Not tightly, just holds it.

"Excuse me?" He angrily says and I keep playing the clueless game.

"What?" I ask and see his jaw tense.

"Why are you liking that douche bag's pictures?" He presses and the anger in his voice is present. It's actually quite hot and I have to bite my lip to stop the smile tugging at my mouth.

"Um, I don't have a boyfriend, remember? So I can like whoever's picture I want." My response isn't bitchy, but it's enough to make him pull over to the side of the road.

He pulls the keys out of the ignition and runs his hands through his messy hair. It's another habit of his that I find incredibly sexy.  I look at him and he finally directs himself at me.

"Camilla, you know what I did is for the best." He states and my heart sinks.

"No, Harry. It's not for the best. You did it out of pure anger and sadness and that is not how you can handle yourself. You need to stop trying to push me away when all I want to do is be there for you and be the person that you can count on no matter what." I snap back and the power in my voice catches him off guard because his eyes widen slightly and then they go back to normal.

"I know you think that this doesn't make sense and hey, maybe it never will, but in the end, I'm saving you from any further problems because I can't cope with all of this and I don't want to bring you down with me."

(A/N: Wow this chapter is shitty. Sorry about that :/ Anyways, please remember to give feedback, even if it's negative because it will help me improve my writing and this story. Love you all!)

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