Chapter 26

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Song's for this chapter:

Not Ready To Make Nice - Dixie Chicks

Say Something - A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera

Half A Heart - One Direction

Harry's POV

I'm trying to think of what to write down as I sit on my bed with a notebook and a pen. I know what to say, I just don't know how to say it.

I want to make sure everything I say doesn't come across wrong and that I say exactly how I feel. I just want her to forgive me and for her to take me back.

I pull out my phone again and decide to go back to YouTube. Hitting the replay button, the song Camilla had me listen to starts back up.

I should have held on to my pride, I should have never let you lie

I guess you got what you deserve

I guess I should've been more like her

These lyrics stick out to me the most of the whole song because if she really feels this way, then that means she thinks I had been cheating on her for awhile even though it was only once. Not that that makes it any better.

Anything I try and write down just doesn't work for me and I'm now sitting with my face in my hands as I let out a deep and much needed breath.

After about three minutes of this, I finally pick back up the pen and paper and decide to let my heart out to her.

When I got out the shower, before even noticing the letter you left me, I could tell that you had been in my room. I'm not sure how I knew it, but I just did and to me, that means something. I think that if I could sense your presence even after you left that it means we are meant for each other, ya know? Anyways I finally saw the envelope and picked it up. By the time I finished reading it, I was sobbing like a little fucking kid. What I did was the worst thing I have ever done in my life and it was something I never wanted to happen. I'm going to explain to you how it all went down, okay? Her name is Haley. Her and I met a couple years ago and hooked up a few times. After that I never saw her again until my lunch with Gemma. Gem had to leave early and when I was by myself at the table, she walked in and saw me. When she came over to say hello to me, she started to say some things to me that made me loose my self control. The whole entire time, I kept telling myself that I love you and that I needed to stop her, but for some reason I just couldn't. For the record, her and I did not sleep together and yesterday was the first time I saw her. I love you, not her. You're a million times more beautiful, sexy, and arousing then her. You always will be. I won't give up on us. I listened to the song and you don't need to be 'more like her'. You are perfect in every single way and I'm an idiot for ruining what we had.

I will never stop loving you, alright? Harry xx

When I finish writing, I go over and pull open the top drawer of my desk to take out an envelope. I secure the letter inside of it and then decide to throw on a hoodie and a pair of Nike's.

My keys are on the counter in my kitchen so I grab them and head out the door. It's now raining slightly, adding such a dramatic effect to it all.

Normally I would jog to the car because of the weather, but I'm still a mess and feel like shit so I walk there until I finally get inside and start it up.




By the time I arrive at Louis and Eleanor's it's pouring outside and I lift up my hood to cover my head and hair as I walk up to their front door.

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