Chapter 19

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He doesn't want to 'bring me down with him'?

What the actual fuck. This isn't the damn revolutionary war and he gets shot so he takes me with him, this is a supposed breakup that he is insisting upon.

Unfortunately for him, I won't give up that easily. I won't go down without a fight. He can't breakup with me, then get mad at me for liking another guys picture, and then get angry with me for pointing that out to him.

I don't say anything because in all honesty, I'm not sure what to say because I don't want to cause a huge argument with him. He doesn't say anything so he is obviously waiting for me to speak.

"Harry that's complete bullshit! You are allowed to be upset about your mother for as long as you want and I will be there for you through it all, but you can't push me away. We rushed this relationship way to much but I am not going back now. I'm not going away that easily whether you like it or not. I will fight for you, for us. Why can't you just accept that?!" My voice comes out as a scream and Harry's eyes go wide. He obviously wasn't expecting me to yell, and to be honest neither was I, but I won't let him win this.

"I can't accept it because I... never mind." He is about to tell me but stops himself mid-sentence.

"You what, Harry?" I press and he let's out a huff.

"I said never mind! Damn it Camilla! We are going back to my flat and you can leave with Eleanor!" He screams and I don't dare say a word. He is pissed and it is a mixture of hotness and scariness to me.

But, like I said, I will not go down without a fight. When we get to his place, he is gonna get an earful from me.

Harry pulls back onto the road and accelerates the speed. He is focused on the road, his face holding an angry expression. His jaw is still tense and his grip on the steering wheel is tight.

I make the decision to take the time to think. My mind goes through all the possible outcomes of what is to come for him and I.

He is either gonna let me in and let me be the person that will be there for him, or he will push and push and push me away forever. The idea of him winning this battle pains me and I'm going to try my hardest to not let that happen.

My eyes focus out the window on my side of Harry's car and I stare out at the road. It's a habit of mine that I have always done when I need to think.

I reminisce on when I first met Harry in that club and how we got drunk and how I thought I ditched him for some guy but that guy ended up being him. I smile to myself at the memory that wasn't that long ago.

Before I know it, we pull into Harry's driveway and he gets out of the car, making a beeline straight to his front door. I quickly follow behind and when we both walk in, the whole group is sitting in his living room.

"Eleanor, take Camilla home." Harry mutters and all of their hopeful smiles drop. He is about to walk to his room but I grab his arm and stop him. He spins around and looks at me.

"What?" The attitude in his voice is obvious and his face is only inches from mine. He towers over me in height, but we are close enough for him to be looking straight down at me.

"You can't push me away this easy, Harry. We need to talk." I force and he sighs, looking at our group of friends.

"Can you guys give us a moment?" He asks them and they all nod, going into the kitchen.

"Alright. You wanna talk, then talk."

I breathe in deep and let it out before saying what I have to say.

"I know you're hurting and I know this is hard for you, but you need to handle this differently. You pushed your family away as a child when your aunt died and I'm not about to let the same happen to you and I. We are good for each other and you know it. As fast as we have taken things, I don't regret any of it because who gives a fuck about time?! I don't know if you believe in soul mates, but I sure as hell do and I am positive you are mine. Now just tell me why you are so damn worried about taking me down with you." I tell him a little less forcefully than earlier. He closes his eyes for a few seconds and then says something that takes my breath away.

"You wanna know why?! Because I'm in love with you! There, I said it! I don't want to hurt you because I, Harry Styles, am in love with you!" He shouts and I put my hand over my mouth.

The rest of the boys plus Eleanor and Savanna walk in and they are smiling ear to ear.

"You're - You're in love with me?" I stutter and I'm smiling like an idiot. I can feel a happy tear roll down my cheek and for the first time since this problem started, Harry smiles at me.

"Yes baby, I'm madly in love with you." He steps closer to me and wraps his arms around me.

"I just thought you were having sex, I didn't know you were in love!" Eleanor cooes and I'm blushing.

"I'm in love with you too, Harry."

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