Chapter 7

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I wake up and stretch. My head is punding and my eyes squint at the bright sun that is reflecting in through the curtains. It takes me a moment, but I realize that I'm not in my room.

Oh shit.

I basically played Harry Styles. Him and I were having a good time and I had to go and ruin it by running off with some random guy.

As I check the time on my phone, it's still early in the morning. I look over to the side of me and whoever the guy is, his head is hurried under his pillow, so I have no clue what he looks like.

Quietly, I tip-toe out of the bed and pick up my clothes, sliding them back on. I put my phone in my back pocket and step into my heels. I'll have to call a cab and it will be pretty embarrassing because the cab driver will obviously know. Why else would you leave someone's home so early in need of a cab, and still in a dress?

I don't want to leave without any clue as to who I slept with, so I take a chance and decide to peek under the blankets.

I slowly step towards the side of the bed that he is on and crouch down. My face would be in contact with his, but it's still covered. I assume he is in a pretty deep sleep because he is snoring, so I pull the pillow up carefully and my jaw drops to the floor.

It's Harry.

I slept with Harry. I guess I wouldn't have to worry about how I assumed that I ditched him, but this might be even worse than that. I hate one night stands and the only reason I did it was because I was intoxicated and not thinking straight, and then the fact that he is easily one of the most famous people on the planet makes me feel weird.

I don't remember anything after I first started dancing, so God knows how we ended up sleeping together.

I feel worried because I am afraid that I will get some weird, emotional attachment to him or something. I have only ever had a one night stand once before in my whole life and I didn't care about him at all, but I have this gut feeling that this time will be different.

I need to stop thinking about it and leave before there's any possible attachment to develop.

I turn around and take slow steps towards the bedroom door, but I am stopped halfway there by a deep and raspy voice.


Harry says and you can tell in his voice that he is still tired. I want to just book it and get out of there before it's too late, but I decide that that's rude, so I turn back around to face him.

God, he's gorgeous. His tattoos are clearly inked on his body and every single one is beautiful.

"Hi, Harry." I mumble and he hops out of his bed to walk over to me.

"You weren't leaving, were you?" He questions with the raise of an eyebrow.

"I've got to go." Is all I respond and rush out and make it halfway down the hallway before I am swung back around by my arm.

"Don't go." He half demands, half whines, making me confused. It's not supposed to go this way.

"Harry, I'm sorry, but I don't do one night stands and the only reason it happened this time was because I was drunk. I don't remeber how we even ended up sleeping together because I don't remember, but what I do know is that I don't like the whole idea of sleeping and never seeing each other again, so I need to go." I answer and attempt to remove myself from his grip, but he is strong.

I expect him to have some comeback about how we can still stay in touch but he catches me off guard when he starts kissing my collarbone and up my neck.

My breath hitches in my throat and my knees start to weaken. I feel like I'm about to drop to the ground, but he's holding me up.

"Don't.....go." He says inbetween his soft kisses to my skin.

"Harry..." I begin to protest but his lips are now at my cheek and are nearing closer to my lips.

"Just don't go yet." He says in another attempt to get me to stay.

"Harry, I told you, I don't like one night stands."

He presses his lips to mine after my words and I don't hesitate to kiss him back. After a few more seconds, he pulls away and rest his forehead on mine.

"Who ever said you were just a one night stand?" He says and my heart begins to race at his words.

(A/N: Ahhh I know I kept saying that I would update and never did, but I've just been so insane busy! But, I updated now haha. Sorry that this chapter isn't very long. I had to update from my phone :/ Love you all and don't forget to vote and/or comment!)

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