Chapter 15

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I hear my alarm clock go off and I groan. The morning seems to have come too early and I barely got enough sleep last night. No matter how hard I tried to, my mind just kept wandering and keeping me up.

I'm nervous as to how and when we will tell the world about Harry and I. My main reason for being scared is because I remember when Harry "dated" Taylor Swift and how much hate she got. I already get it, but it will increase when they all know I'm his girlfriend.

Another thing that kept me up was that I called my mother yesterday to tell her about me no longer being so single. Her response wasn't exactly the greatest. She basically told me that Harry and I are taking things way to fast and that it's going to result in a broken heart.

I am well-aware of the rate of this relationship, but I've said it before and I will say it again: I do not care.

I'm young and this is the time to take chances. Who knows how it will be weeks, months, maybe even years from now, but I'm willing to find out. Plus, as cheesy as this sounds, when him and I kiss, I feel a spark that I haven't ever felt with anyone before.

With a loud this and the quick motion of my hand hitting the off button, the annoying beeping stops and I roll out of bed.

"Get up, Sav! It's time to get ready for class!" I yell to Savanna when I notice that she is still asleep in her room. A groan is heard and I just laugh.

Now that I am followed by One Direction fans and occasionally a few pap's, I put more effort into my daily appearance. Not that I never did, but now I'm just extra cautious. I know I shouldn't try and make myself look better in front of the fans and media, but it's just a self-conscious thing.


Sitting in my political science class listening to another lecture, my body guard taps my shoulder. When I turn to look at him, he looks very serious. the professor doesn't realize because we are in the way back.

"Yes?" I ask and he motions for me to stand up and follow him. A sigh escapes my lips as I grab my belongings. The professor notices but doesn't question me because he is aware of my circumstances.

"Where are we going?" I question him.

"To the main office. I got a text that you have to go down there. I'm not sure why, though." He admits and I just nod in response. Trying to think of any reason I am needed in the office, I begin to panic. What if something happened to someone in my family? Or Savanna? Or Harry?

The walk is painfully slow and my heart rate starts increasing. The door is opened for us and to my surprise, I see Eleanor sitting on one of the chairs. She looks up at me and gives me a faint smile. I return it and she stands up to greet me.

"Hey, Eleanor." I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"Hi. I...ummm... Camilla, I need to tell you something. Okay?" She says.

"Alright. What's up?" My nerves kick in again.

"Harry's mum got in a car accident today. It was bad, the impact was hard and the car got smashed to pieces. She didn't make it." Eleanor looks like she wants to cry and my jaw drops to the floor.

My heart instantly aches for Harry. He lost his mother today and although I never got the pleasure of meeting her, from what I've heard, she was a wonderful person and Harry loves her a lot.

"I....I don't....oh my God. " Is all I can manage to say.

"Harry has himself locked in his room and he won't respond to any of the boys or me. We were thinking maybe he would let you in, so I came to get you." She informs me with hope in her eyes.

I can't imagine loosing a parent and I'm not really sure what I will say to Harry if he let's me in. I'm really bad at comforting people, so I guess I will just hug him and tell him how sorry I am and that we're all here for him.

The ride to Harry's is not that long. Eleanor and I talk about it all on the way and then we finally arrive.

"Ready?" Eleanor asks and I nod. The closer we get to the door, the more I can sense the sadness in the air.

We walk in and see Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn all sitting in the living room. They all appear to had been crying and that makes me want to cry now, too.

"Hey, Camilla." Louis says and I say hello to them all.

"He's in the room at the very end of the hall." Liam informs me as I set my bag down on floor along with my jacket.

I walk down all the way until I am at the door to Harry's room. I can hear faint crying coming from the other side and I want more than anything to hug him.

First I knock but he doesn't answer, so then I knock again, letting him know it's me.

"Harry? It's Camilla. Can I come in?" I ask but receive no answer.

I try again about three more times and then the door finally swings open. Harry is looking at me and his eyes are red and swollen, tears staining his cheeks. His hair is messy.

He doesn't say anything to me so I decide to wrapped by arms around his waist and hug him. I'm about to tell him how sorry I am but he pushes me off of him.

It takes me by surprise and I look at him, confused.

"Please, just leave me the hell alone."

Harry says to me with force in his voice right before slamming the door in my face.

(A/N: Sorry this is so short and long overdue! I've literally been up north snowmobiling the past few weekends and I've just been insane busy! I really hope this chapter isn't too shitty for you guys and I apologize if it is. There might be some spelling errors because my phones autocorrect is atrocious btw. Anyways, love you all!)

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