Chapter 10

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I curl one last strand of hair and slip my dress up my body, calling out to Savanna. I hear her finish up whatever she's doing in her room and then she steps into the bathroom.

"Yeah?" She asks and steps further into the room.

"Can you zip up my dress?" I ask and she nods, standing behind me and zipping it all the way to the top of the fabric. I thank her and she nods, then going back to her room.

Tonight's my date with Harry and if I'm being 100% honest, I'm nervous as hell. Just a few weeks ago, I was some normal, teenage girl preparing for college, now I'm going on a date with one of my idols who I've already slept with.

Savanna freaked when I told her that I hooked up with Harry and ever since, she has been making jokes about it every chance she gets. It's actually kinda funny, to be honest.

I look at myself in the mirror. I have on an electric blue, tight, long-sleeved dress and a pair of sparkly silver Vans. My hair is curled and my makeup is just right. I'm happy with how I look for tonight and put quite a bit of effort into my appearance because chances are, there will paps and fans around, so I want to look my best.

"Shit!" I hear Sav yell and I rush into her room.

"Everything okay?!" I question and she points to her TV.

"You tell me..."

I look at the screen and she has some celebrity gossip show on and a picture of Harry and I leaving the club last week is on it. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Last week, teen heart-throb and 1/5 of the world's biggest boyband was spotted leaving a London club with a cute brunette. And then just yesterday, he was spotted with her again at the University of London. Sources say that she is a student there. So, who is this mystery girl? We don't know yet, but knowing the One Direction fandom, we'll find out soon!" The young, blonde host chirps and I stand there, not really knowing what to say.

"Camilla..." Savanna whispers and I nod.

"You do realize that you're life isn't gonna be the same anymore, right?" She asks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Sav, we're not even boyfriend and girlfriend." I remark.

"Doesn't matter. Come on now, Cammy. You and I are part of the fandom. We know how it works. By tomorrow they will know everything about you and they will start to recognize you. Whether you have a future with Harry or not, you're still gonna be known." She plays devil's advocate and I take a deep breath.

"Shit." Is all I say. Sav gives me a sympathetic look and I just shrug, then walk out of her room and into mine. Picking up my phone, I notice that I have a text message.

From Harry:
Hey. Some fans spotted me in the back of the car, so my body guard will come to the door and get you to the car. I'm sorry  :( See you soon x.

How did he get my number? I don't recall giving it to him, but maybe I gave it to him when I was intoxicated?

5 minutes pass and there's a loud knock on my door. I jump up from my bed, grab my purse, and go to Savanna's room quickly.

"He's here. See you in a bit!" I smile and she walks over to give me a peck on the cheek.

"Good luck tonight. Maybe he will be less stalker-ish than he has made himself out to be?" She laughs and I can't help but join in.

I really don't think of him as being a stalker, but I mean, he did show up at my school and he did basically force me to go with breakfast with him. I think he just needs to work on his dating skills? I don't blame him though. He probably never has the chance to be the one to make the first move in this kind of stuff because he literally can't go anywhere without girls throwing themselves at him.

I take a deep breath and open the door. I'm immediately shocked to see a shit load of girls screaming out things that I can't even comprehend because before I even have the chance to process it all, I'm grabbed by a large man dressed in all black and he practically drags me to a black SUV.

The door is open and I hop in. Harry is sitting there and he gives me a smile. I return it and look at the front of the car real quick to see the driver and the body gaurd in the seats.

"I'm really sorry about that. I didn't expect them to see me back here and I feel really bad..." He apologizes and I feel bad that he feels bad. It really didn't bother me.

"It's alright, Harry. No big deal." I smile and it's like I could see the relief wash over him.

"Good. So, are you excited for our date, love?" He asks and when he calls me 'love' I feel the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter.

He is dressed in black skinny jeans, black boots, and a black t-shirt. It's his normal attire and I love it. All throughout being in the fandom, what he wears now is definitely my favorite style choice.

"Yes, but I have no clue what we're doing." I say and we both smile.

"It's a surprise." He simply states and I nod. I really don't like surprises, but I don't want to sound like a bitch, so I decide to not say anything about it.

"Well I hope I'm dressed appropriately for whatever we're doing." I tell him and start to question my outfit choice.

"You are. And by the way, I think you look lovely," He answers and then leans in closer to me, whispering in my ear. "That dress really looks good on you. I might have to take it off later."

I flush at his words and then notice that maybe he is better at this dating stuff than I thought. But, never the less, I can keep up with his dirty remarks.

"Maybe. But I might have to drop to my knees for you first." I whisper back and run my hand lightly over his inner thigh.

He gulps and I wink at him.

*Harry's POV*

She runs her hand over my area and gives me a wink. Shit she is better at this than I thought. I had been acting like I was really bad at this dating stuff so she would think I'm not some player, but the boys told me to just be myself, so that's what I'm doing.

She didn't seem taken a back by it though. Instead, she is keeping right up with me and making me want to do her right here in the back of this car.

The driver pulls into our destination and our body guard for the night open up the door on Camilla's side. We slide out and he walks behind us.

"Holy shit, Harry! The Calvin Klein fashion show?!" She shrieks of excitement and I smile, mentally thanking myself for getting whole of her friend and finding out that she has always wanted to go to one of these.

"I thought you'd like it." I smile and we make our way inside.


We have been here for about an hour and Camilla really seems to be enjoying it. They call an intermission and we stand up, deciding to go to the restrooms.

She walks on my right side, but slightly in front of me. I see that not many people are around and I grab at her ass. She jumps and laughs.

"Harry! We're in public!"

We're being kinda flirty with each other and I love it. We're now standing face to face and I take the chanve to make another move.

"So, then you'd get mad if I did this?" I ask and run my hand up her thigh, stopping just above her area, paying her back for earlier.

"H-Harry. Not here." She whispers and I smirk, but thenn frown when she begins to walk away.

"Camilla, don't leave! I didn't mean to upset you!" I call out and she turn around with a smile.

"I said not here. But I'm sure we can find an empty bathroom." She grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall and into an empty restroom, locking the door behind us.

(A/N: Okay so in the next chapter, it is gonna get a little graphic so if you're kinda young, you maybe shouldn't read it. Anyways, the cheer team I coach had competition yesterday and we placed 3rd! There's 12 cities that compete and only the top 3 get medals, so I'm pretty damn proud. Anyways, the season is over which means i'll finally have time to update more often yay! Hope you all liked this chapter and I apologize if there's any spelling errors.)

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