Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I screwed up. Actually, 'screwed up' is an understatement. A huge one.

I stupidly cheated on one of the best things that ever happened to me, and now I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do. After Camilla ran from me in tears, I tried to stop her. I wasn't successful. She got in her car and left. I didn't even care that we were both crying and I didn't care that it was right in front of the paps.

I had told Haley to get out and all she did was get on my bed, that was covered in roses from Camilla, and say "She saw us, but that doesn't mean we can't use what she left." That's when I blew up. I screamed in her face and she left in a hurry.

I paced around my flat for a little while and threw a lamp at the wall in anger. I also smashed a few glass cups. When I had pulled out my phone to call Camilla, it only rang twice before going to voicemail. So, I got in my car to go find her.

First, I drove to her's and Savanna's place but no one was there. I drove to her damn university and she wasn't there either. Then I got a call from Louis. I didn't answer because I was busy, but once he kept calling and calling, I knew that he knew. That's how I ended up here at his flat. I knew she would be here.

I sit in my car for a few minutes, thinking everything through. What will I say to her? Obviously I will be apologizing, but I have to say more than that.

Without a second thought, I get out and slam my door, walking up to Louis' door. After a few knocks, he answers. His face immediately looks pissed at the sight of me and I run a hand through my hair.

"She doesn't want to talk to you." He scowls and I shake my head, stepping inside.

"Yes she does. I know she wants to." I counter and he blocks me from stepping any further in.

"Look, Harry. You're my best friend and I'm going to be honest with you. You screwed the fuck up. You decided to be a cheating bastard and broke her heart. Now she is sitting on my couch and balling her eyes out while Eleanor tries to comfort her. You caused this. Please just let her be for now." He tellse and I know he is right, but I can't risk anything.

"You're right, I did cause this. And that is why I am the one that needs to fix it." I argue with him and he lets out a deep breath before stepping to the side and letting me walk by.

Once I turn the corner, I see her there with Eleanor and as soon as she looks at me, she takes off in tears down the hallway. I immediately follow behind her and she locks herself in the bathroom.

I hear her crying on the other side of the door and I stand there and listen for a few moments but I can't take the feeling I get when I hear her sobs, so I knock at the door, over and over again but she won't open up.

Camilla's POV

I hear him knocking on the wooden door that stands between us, over and over again. I don't open it though. He hurt me. It all makes sense know. This is God's punishment to me for going in too deep with someone I didn't know well enough.

I thought I knew him. I thought that time didn't matter and that everyone who said otherwise was wrong, but they were right and here I sit, crying like a fool over some teenage, deceptive, bastard who hurt me.

I wish Savanna was here with me right now. If she wasn't in America, I'd rush back to our apartment and hug her and tell her everything while she comforts me. But luckily I also have Eleanor. She was making me feel a lot better, but then Harry showed up.

The consistent knocking suddenly stops and I expect to hear Harry start telling me to open up, but nothing is said. I sit there with my back against the door and I know he is too when I hear his body sliding down against the wood.

The sound barrier between this bathroom and the hallway isn't very good because I can hear his heavy breathing. I'm sure he can hear my faint cries but I don't care. I hope he hears it so he knows what he did. Although he probably is unaffected by it and doesn't care.

After 7 minutes of nothing other than the mixed sounds of me crying and his heavy breathing, I stand up. I wouldn't dare open the door just yet since I know he will overwhelm me with empty apologies, so I walk over to the sink and look at myself in the mirror.

My hair is relatively okay because it's only been about an hour and a half since the incident, but my makeup is a complete mess. Mascara is smeared down my cheeks and my eyes are red and puffy. My face has stains from my tears and my pastel pink eyeshadow is no longer visible.

Turning the sink on cold, I splash some water on my horrid face. I grab a tissue and wipe away every ounce of makeup on me. After that, I grab a pink hairbrush, who I assume belongs to Eleanor, and take the hair-tie from my wrist. I quickly pull my hair into a very sloppy bun and look at myself. Overall, I look better, but you can still tell I was crying.

My attempt to find my courage is successful because I take three deep breaths before walking over to the door and putting my hand on the handle. I prepare myself for Harry and do it before I cowardly slide down to the ground again.

The handle is turned and I swing the door open, being brought face to face with him. Without thinking and before I can even process it, I shove him into the wall as hard as I can. He is obviously surprised by this and if I'm being honest, I am too. I'm not sure where the random strength came from, but I like it.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I HATE YOU! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! BASTARD! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!" I scream in his face and the expression he holds is priceless.

"Camilla, I-" He says but I cut him off.

"No. Do not speak, do not say a word to me. You do not deserve the chance to explain or give me some fake, half-ass apology. There's one thing I do not tolerate most in a relationship and that is cheating. Now, get the fuck away from me and go back to her." I say through gritted teeth.

He stand there for a second. I keep my eyes locked on him, but I don't look at his eyes. He finally sighs and walks to the end of the hall. Right before leaving, he turns around and looks at me.

"Camilla," he says but I don't answer. "I love you."

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