Chapter 20

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Camilla's POV

*A month later*

The knots in my hair are unruly as I try my hardest to brush through them. I am going to be late for class because I still have to straighten my brunette locks and I also have to do my makeup. I'm already behind in time since I didn't hear my alarm go off. Savanna ended up having to come wake me.

It's spirit week at uni this week and it's just like back in high school. We dress in our school colors everyday and then on Friday, which is today, we all go down to the gymnasium for a pep rally. I didn't even know colleges did this, but apparently they do.

I'm all decked out in a red, white, and blue tutu, one of my school shirts, face paint, knee high socks, and a pair of moccasins. I did the same thing when I was in high school in America, except my school colors were Royal Blue & Gold instead of red, white, and blue.

After completing the task that is my hair, I go on to my makeup. It doesn't take that long, seeing I only wear a thin layer of foundation, a very small amount of blush, and some mascara. It quite a natural look.

I rush back to my room and spray a few squirts of my PINK body spray on. It's called Warm and Cozy. The scent is vanilla. It's Harry's favorite on me.

Oh yeah, Harry and I obviously talked after our love confessions to each other about a month ago. We have been going strong and he has handled his mother's death a lot better. He vents to me when needed and isn't shutting anyone out. The funeral was sad, though. Him and Gemma cried, the boys cried, Eleanor cried, I cried, we all cried. But on the bright side, I got to meet his lovely family and we all got on well.

My purse is in my hands in a matter of seconds and I slide on my jacket to protect myself from the cold air. Quickly, I look in the mirror to make sure I look okay and when I feel that I do, I walk to the door.

"Goodbye, Sav. I'll miss you, babe!" I say to Savanna as I bring her in for a hug.

"I'll only be gone for two weeks. don't worry! But I'll miss you, too." She laughs as she hugs me back.

She is taking a trip back to America, our home state of Michigan, to visit her family. We are on different coarses so she can take some time off of school at the moment, where as I, can not.

"Call me when you arrive and get to your parents house, alright? I don't even care about the time difference." I smile and she nods.


My new body guard and I make our way to my class and take our usual seat. I've this new guy, Frank, for about a week now. My old one got transferred to California so this is my replacement. Frank doesn't talk much, but when he does he is quite funny. I do know that he is married and has two children. A boy and a girl. The boy is a year younger than me and his name is Nick. The girl is 14 and her name is Sophie. His wife's name is Amy.

The class goes by somewhat quick and it's now time for the pep rally. Normally I would sit with Sav, but she is on a plane back to the USA, so I sit with Amelia. She is in my political science class and her and I have become friends in the past few months that I have been here.

When we get to the gym, it's already jam packed with people. I see a couple open spots in the bleachers and point over to them. Amelia and I run to get them before anyone else and we are successful at doing so.

The rally starts and we listen to some professors talk, watch some activities, and then one of the professors says something that catches me off guard.

"Alright everyone, we have something a little different for our entertainment today. There is going to be a musical performance! But first, I ask that Camilla Avery comes down to the floor." He says and all eyes divert to me. In a normal circumstance, no one would know who I am, but dating Harry Styles has the opposite effect.

I hesitantly stand from my seat and walk past some people, down the steps and onto the gym floor. People set 6 stools by me and saying that I'm confused is an understatement.

"Let's all give a big round of applause to no other than...One Direction!" The professor cheers and every scream and claps. Now it's beginning to make sense. The stools are for the boys and I, but I don't understand why I am apart of this performance.

Liam, Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry walk out and wave and smile to all the students. I lock eyes with Harry and he grins. I ofcoarse give him one back.

"Take a seat here on this stool next to me, babe." Harry whispers but forgets that his microphone is on so everyone hears. I hear people 'aww'at us, which causes me to blush. When we are all situated, Harry tells everyone what is going on.

"So, as you all know, Camilla is my girlfriend." He state's the obvious and people clap. "Well today is officially 3 months of us being together and lately she has been putting up with a lot of my shit. I just feel like I need to remind her of how much I love her, so this is a off Midnight Memories that I wrote. It was never directed towards anyone when I first had written it because I had no one to give it to, but now I do. So Camilla, this is your song." He smiles and I am grinning ear-to-ear.

My hands,
Your hands
Tied up
Like two ships.

Waves try to break it.
I'd do anything to save it.
Why is it so hard to say it?

My heart,
Your heart
Sit tight like book ends.

Between us
Written with no end.
So many words we're not saying.
Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone.
You make me strong.

I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?

Think of
How much
Love that's been wasted.

Trying to escape it.
Move on to stop their heart breaking.
But there's nothing I'm running from.
You make me strong.

I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?

So, baby, hold on to my heart, oh, oh.
Need you to keep me from falling apart.
I'll always hold on.
'Cause you make me strong.

I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care.
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong?

I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?

I'm sorry if I say, "I need you."
But I don't care,
I'm not scared of love.
'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker.
Is that so wrong?
Is it so wrong
That you make me strong?

The song ends and I'm in full blown tears. My mascara is running, I can feel it, but I don't care. I stand up from my seat on the stool and go over to Harry. He opens his legs a little and I stand between the. He places his hand on the small of my back and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you so much, Camilla. Don't ever forget that." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know."

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