Chapter 16

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Twitter - @skidoostyles

I read a lot of other stories on here and quite a few of the authors post the names of the songs they listen to while writing each chapter, so I will do that (unless you don't want me to). By the way, I listen to a lot of country music because that's what i like and what i was raised on, so there will be at least one song of that genre losted in each chapter haha :) So here are the songs:

Tattooed Heart - Ariana Grande

Hypnotize The Moon - Clay Walker

DNA/Rock Me Mashup - Little Mix/One Direction

God Gave Me You - Blake Shelton


Camilla's POV

I kind of just stand there and stare at the door in my face before turning around and walking down the hall.

I am not mad by Harry's action just moments ago because he is hurting a lot right now, I just wish he would let me comfort him. As much as I want to walk back to his door and force myself in, I decide it's best to let him be.

When I return to the rest of the boys plus Eleanor, they all look at me, expecting me to have made some type of progress with Harry.

"He um...he told me to leave him the hell alone..." I inform them and they all give me sad looks.

"Well what did you do?" Eleanor asks and she gives me a sympathetic look.

"I knocked a few times and he didn't answer me, so then I knocked one more time and he opened the door. I didn't say anything really, I just hugged him. Then he kinda shoved me off and said "Please, just leave me the hell alone" or something like that."

I get sympathetic looks from them again and it kind of baffles me because Harry is the one in need of sympathy, not me.

"I'm sorry, Camy. I'm sure he doesn't mean it in a bad way, if that makes sense. He is just hurting right now." Eleanor puts a hand ever mine and says to me. I am caught off guard by her new nickname for me because no one has ever called me that before, but I like it.

"It's alright, guys." I assure them with a smile and they all give me one back.

We sit there in silence together for a few minutes because no one really knows what to say next. Liam is just about to say something but he stops because Harry is standing there staring at us with red and puffy eyes.

Harry's POV

I close the door in Camilla's face and instantly regret it. She only wanted to be there for me and I am pushing her away. As much as I want to open it again in hopes that she is still standing there, I don't.

I'm not exactly sure what I am going to do. I just lost my mother. She has always been such a good influence on me and she raised me and Gemma into the people we are today.


I don't even know where Gemma is right now and who is with her and how she is taking it. I start to cry again at the thought. I should be with her right now because she is probably in need of comforting, too.

I need to stop crying and act like a man. But I can't. Today has turned into the worst day of my life and I can't deal with any extra possible stress.

That makes me think of Camilla. As much as I love her, I can't be with her anymore. I will begin to isolate myself from the ones I love now because of the pain I'm in and she doesn't deserve it. She doesn't deserve having to deal with a hurting boyfriend.

It sounds so fucked up, I know, but in my mind it sounds like the best solution. I love her and nothing will change that, but I don't want to hurt her in the long run because I'm an asshole when shit like this happens.

I have a tendency to take stuff like this really, really hard and block myself from everyone. Same thing happened when my Aunt passed away when I was 14. I was quite close with her and when she got Cancer, it crushed me. She was doing good and then it got really bad.

The day she died I locked myself in my room and only came out to pee. I stayed in there for a few days until my mum forced me to eat something.

Now I have lost my aunt and my mum.

Before I can talk myself out of it, I open my door and take slow steps down the hall leading to where they all are. It takes them a moment to realize me because they are sitting in silence. Liam is about to say something but stops when he sees me.

The rest of them look my way and I don't give any introduction to what I am about to say, I just say it.

"Camilla, I don't think we should be together right now." I tell her and everyone's jaws seem to hit the floor.

She is about to respond but I turn around and walk back to my room, as the sound of her cries begin to fill the air.

(A/N: I just wanted to say thank you to 7K reads! I know it's not a whole lot compared to most stories, but considering the fact I thought this wouldn't even reach 500, I'm a very happy girl! You all are the best. I know I've been having slower updates lately, but I've just been so busy. I'm sorry:( But I am going to try and update more often now! Please remember to vote and comment maybe. Love you!)

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