Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning to a loud knocking on the door. "What the hell" I mutter to myself and on my way to answer, notice that Savanna is still asleep. I look through the peep-hole and see a man with a clipboard at the door. I swing the door open and answer it.

"Hi, you had stuff being delivered here from America and it has arrived." He says and my eyes slightly widen.

"It's here already?! My friend and I just got here yesterday!" I say, surprised at the fastness of the delivery.

"Yeah, I mean, it was shipped out a few days ago and who ever sent it all out paid extra for it to be sent out faster. Just sign this paper and the other guys and I will brig it all in." He informs me and hands me the clipboard and a pen. I sign my signature on the line and hand it back to him. He smiles and walk outside.

"Savanna! Get your ass up! Our stuff is here and the delivery people are bringing it in!" I yell and hear her groan. A few moments later, she walks into the kitchen where I'm standing and is in her clothes from yesterday.

"You're still in your clothes?"

"Yeah, I was too tired to change before bed, so I just slept in this." She answers and looks in the fridge but is disappointed by finding nothing.

"We will have to go grocery shopping today. I don't really know where a grocery store is though, so I'll have to google it on my phone. Oh, that reminds me! We also have to cancel our phone plan we currently have because it's American and since we live here now, we will have to switch to whatever they have here." I say and she runs her eyes, not being a morning person, where as I, am.

A few seconds later, the workers walk in with boxes and I tell then to set them down wherever and that Savanna and I will just unpack them from there. They go outside one last time and come back with the final amount of boxes. We thank them and they leave.

"We officially have everything!" Savanna cheers, somehow turning happy in such a short amount of time.

"Someones over their morning-attitude!" I joke and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm just not a morning person. I'm fine now though." She tells me as we open the boxes and take everything out. After an hour and a half, we finally complete the task and plop down on the couch.

"We should go to a club or something tonight." Savanna suggest and I look at her and furrow my eyebrows.

"What? We just got here and have no idea where anything is and you want to go out to party?" I ask and she laughs.

"Dude, stop being so up-tight! It's just a club. Plus, if we go, we can possibly meet some people and actually have friends here." She remarks and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, google a club near by or something and I'll go find a grocery store."


I get back from the grocery store after taking an hour to find it, and then having to find what we can eat, along with my struggle to pay. I had to have the manger lady help me because I still have clue on how to count the money. I should have brought Savanna with me.

"I'm back!" I say as I walk in the door and Savanna is dressed in a dress that is tight and the top and poofs out mid-waist. It is white, but has blue sequins at the top. She has on matching blue heels and hair is loosely curled at the ends.

"Whoa. Hot damn girl! Why dressed so early though?" I ask.

"The club opens at 7:00 and it's 6:00 now." She informs me and I look at the clock.

"Oh gosh. Time difference had really confused me. We must have slept much later than we thought." I state and she laughs. I walk into my room to get dressed while Savanna puts the groceries away.

I decide on a tight red dress with black heels that have red bottoms to match the dress. I straighten my hair apply some makeup. I spray on some perfume from Pink and look in the mirror, pleased with what I see. I grab my phone and notice that it's now 6:45 and grab a small black clutch to put my phone and some money in. I walk out and Savanna is waiting by the door. She tells me that a taxi is here as we walk out of our flat.

We get to the club and there is a load of paps. "What is all that for?" I ask and Savanna shrugs.

"Beats me."

We get inside and the place is filled to the brim with people. The dance floor is filled with girls grinding on randoms guys and drunk couples making out in the booths.

"Ya know, considering the fact that I'm going to school to be in politics, party at clubs probably won't look to good." I say.

"Oh calm down. You're double-majoring in journalism too anyways so if politics fail, you can still be a journalist. Live a little, Camilla." Savanna jokes and I roll my eyes once again. We walk over to the only open booth we see and I stop dead in my tracks at what is in front of me.

It can't be.

Harry Styles is 10 feet way from me and he is staring right back at me.

(A/N: Yayyyy! I finally updated! This story only has 10 votes and a little over 100 reads but I'm grateful for what I have so far :) I hope everyone who reads enjoys what I have in store! Votes/Comments are greatly appreciated and sorry if I have any misspellings because I updated from my phone today!)

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