Chapter 24

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The songs for this chapter are:

Human - Christina Perri

Stay - Florida Georgia Line

Don't Let Me Go - Harry Styles

Hypnotize The Moon - Clay Walker


Camilla's POV

"Call me or Louis if you need anything, okay?" Eleanor says to me as she gives me a tight hug and I respond with a nod. After Harry left with his final words of his love for me, I decided I needed to go back to my apartment and sit there by myself.

"I'll give ya a call tomorrow morning, alright?" Louis informs me as he walks over with a hug and I just say a simple "Okay."

I know I shouldn't be so quiet with them since they are the ones that immediately comforted me while I sat there crying like a small child, but I'm just so...broken feeling. I didn't know I could feel this way over someone I met in such a short amount of time but I do and I can't deny it. He has left some feeling inside of me that I wish wasn't there, but it is.

"Hey, look. Thank you both for being so caring about what happened. I know we haven't known each other long, but I really do loves you guys." I smile and they return it.

"No problem, chicky! Drive safe!" Eleanor reminds me as I walk over to their front door, turning the knob to open it. I promise her that I will and then I make my way to my car that is parked in their driveway.

Pulling out my keys from my pocket, I unlock it and start it up. I don't want to listen to any music because if something sappy comes on, I will breakdown, and if One Direction comes on I will breakdown even harder.

When I back out, my grip on the steering wheel tightens immensely. But I don't loosen it. I'm left in a silent car on the ride back to my place, with only my thoughts to keep me company. I'm afraid to think because I just wish that none of this ever happened. And by 'this', I don't only mean the cheating. I mean the whole relationship. I wish I never met Harry Styles at that damn club that night because if Savanna and I would have just stayed back, I wouldn't be on the verge of tears again and I wouldn't feel so shitty.

The thought of Savanna leads my mind to wonder what she is doing right now. America is five hours behind England so it should be the late morning/early afternoon there at the moment. I wish I would have gone back with her. I had the option, but I stupidly chose to not go so I could focus on school. And Harry. Stupid, fucking, Harry.

I wonder how long this has gone on and I also wonder how much longer it would have gone on if I wouldn't have found out. I'd like to think Harry would have had the decency to stop it before it got too out of hand, but then again, I also thought he wouldn't do it in the first place. I'm so oblivious to things.

I decide to turn on the radio because my thoughts are slowly killing me and I need the music to stop it, even if it does make me cry like bitch. I flip through a few different stations before stopping when I hear a familiar song from my childhood. It's a country song, which I didn't even know they played here because I had always assumed that genre was purely American.

Hypnotize The Moon by Clay Walker is the name of it and it's the typical, American, 90's country song. I was only a few years old when it came out, but I loved it and I still do to this day, no matter how many times I hear it. I think I enjoy it so much because my aunt use to sing it to me when I was little. Her and I have always been really close and I miss her most out of all the things I left behind in the United States.

She shines like a diamond when she walks into the room

She could charm the stars, hypnotize the moon

The chorus of my all-time favorite tune fills my ears and I actually smile. I guess I just needed the little piece of home that this song was giving me to cheer me up a bit. By the time the song ends, I feel better. Not much better because I'm still heartbroken, but I do feel less shitty than before. Pressing down and holding the numbered button, I save that station to my presets. I was born and raised on country music and because I thought that wasn't played here, I was really disappointed. The fact that it is made my day.

A few more songs come on and I know them all so I hum along with the radio. After that, I pull into the parking section of mine and Sav's apartment. Once I'm parked, I hop out and make sure to lock it, pulling out my key to get inside. A couple few steps later I am inside the lobby, walking over towards the stairs.

I struggle a little to open my door, but I successfully do it eventually and walk into the living room, throwing my purse on one of the chairs. When it lands, I go over to it and slide my keys inside. I just want out of the clothes I'm in and want to put on pajamas.

Along with that, I also want food and nothing in this apartment sounds good at the moment so I have a strong urge to order something, but Savanna is not here and I still am confused a little by how UK money works. I understand more than I did a few months ago but I've always had Sav with me to help just in case. I decide against ordering because when I go to pay, I don't want to confuse the poor delivery man by attempting to pay him.

I kick off my shoes and sigh. Then I make a beeline to my bedroom to change my clothes. My door is closed which is weird because I don't recall closing it. For a second I think that the wind could have possibly made it shut, but I didn't leave any windows open. I begin to panic and don't want to open my door but I find the balls to do it and slowly push it open. I'm afraid of what's gonna be behind it, but when I see what is, an instant smile grows on my face.

"SAVANNA!" I pretty much tackle her in a hug and she laughs.

"What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to come back for another three days!" I squeal.

"I missed you and I knew you missed me too since you texted me a lot while I was gone, so I decided to come back early and surprise you!" Sav explained and I properly hugged her.

"So, how much did you and Harry fuck while I was gone? You didn't do it here, did you? Oh god, not my bed. Please say not my bed!" Her words instantly made tears brim at the edges of my eyes. I know she is unaware of what happened, but I couldn't help but let the tears fall.

"Camilla? Why are you crying?" She asked with her voiced laced with concern. I didn't respond at first so she just wrapped her arms around me while I sobbed.

Once I finally stopped and calmed myself down, I explained everything to her that happened and exactly how I felt. It was nice to vent to her since she is my best friend and by then end of the one hour therapy session between the two of us, I felt better and she felt furious.

"That bastard! How dare he! I can not believe him. You know, I'm a die-hard One Direction fan and he always said how he hated the media's 'player boy' image of him because it was not true, yet he does this shit! And it's not like he did it to just anybody, he did it to you! You're an amazing women and he is an idiot for letting go of that." She said with utter rage and when she stood up, I pulled her back down.

"Don't stress over it, okay? I was and still am really heartbroken, but talking to you about it made me feel better and if I feel better, you shouldn't be too mad." I gave her my best fake smile. She sighed but relaxed her tensed shoulders.

To be honest, I was still really broken feeling. But I did feel somewhat better after our talk. He hurt me and like I have said from the beginning, we took things too fast and went in too deep. Except for this time I don't have an "oh well" attitude about it. Now I realize that this is the consequence for it all.

(A/N: Hi hello! Okay I know I suck at updating because I always take a long ass time, but this Friday is my last day of dance until September, and tomorrow is the first day of May which means summer starts in like a month so by the time school is out I will start updating more frequently. Lastly I'd like to point out that if certain things in this story don't make 100% sense, it's only because I have to change it to fit the story properly. I love you all and will try to add the next chapter asap!! Xoxo)

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