Chapter 5

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My eyes instantly land on the girl next to him. She is drop dead gorgeous and it makes me jealous. I don't really know who she is though, because I haven't heard any media about him being in a relationship with someone. Maybe it's just his date for the night?

"Camilla what are you- OH MY GOD IS THAT" Savanna manges to say and she smiles ear to ear. I can't get my mouth to form words and I notice that we are still staring at each other. I feel my cheeks heat up in a blush and I immeidately turn away, but out of the corner of my eye, I see him smirk.

What the hell? It's Harry Styles. Why is he even here and why is he staring at me? He could be anywhere in the world right now, and he chooses some little club in London? I must have something on me because why else would he look at me and then smirk?

I look down at myself and don't notice anything embaressing. "Savanna do I have anything on my face?" I ask and she doesn't answer. 

"SAVANNA!" I yell and her head snaps to look at me.


"Do I have anything on my face?" I ask, aggravated by her zoning me out.

"No, you don't, but why are you asking me that right now when you just had a freaking stare down with Harry fucking Styles?!" She questions and basically yells the end part. I tell her to not yell and she rolls her eyes.

"That's why I'm asking, because I have no clue why he would stare at me unless there is something on my face." I respond and she gives me a look like I'm insane.

"Camilla, Camilla, oh you little naive Camilla..." She sighs and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"What does that mean?"

"Camilla, let's face it, you're hot as hell. That's why he's staring at you." She informs me as if I should know this. I don't think of myself as hot and I don't even understand how anyone else could, let alone 1/5 of the biggest band in the world.

"Ha, no. Let's just go sit." I say and grab her hand, leading her into the booth as we sit down. A waiter comes by and takes our order. Savanna and I both order a margarita and then some tortilla chips with dip. The waiter is clearly flirting with her and when he walks away, I nudge her.

"What?" She questions and I decide to use her own words against her.

"Savanna, Savanna, oh you little naive Savanna..." She laughs at this and then again asks me what I'm talking about.

"The fact that he clearly is flirting with you. Looks like you're the hot one here!" I say and smile and she instantly blushes. It makes me laugh and I grin at her.

The waiter comes back and hands Savanna a margarita, sets down the nachos, and then gives me some pink drink and I look at it with confusion.

"I didn't order this." I tell him and he smiles.

"I know. He did." He tells me as he points over across the room but I don't know who he is talking about.

"I don't see where you're pointing."

"Stand up and look around." Savanna whispers and I do as told. The guy points again and I scan my eyes around the room until they land on who the waiter is talking about.


It can't be.

How is this happening?

My jaw hits the floor at the boy who is waving and smiling at me. Why the hell is Harry Styles ordering me a drink?

"But I...Why is he....How is this happening?!" Is all I can say and Savanna stands up to see what's going on.

"OH. MY. GOD." She squirms and starts hitting my shoulder. The waiter smiles once again and walks away to go take another tables order.

"YOU ARE ABOUT TO DRINK A DRINK THAT HARRY STYLES ORDERED FOR YOU WHY AREN'T YOU SCREAMING AND CRYING AND ON THE FLOOR AND WHY AREN'T YOU OVER THERE TALKING TO HIM WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING?!" Savanna once again yells as we sit down. Yes, we're both fans of One Direction, but Savanna obviously has more inner-fangirl in her than I do. Plus, I grew up with a grandmother that was a producer and a father in advertising, so a celebrity being here wasn't that big of a deal to me.

"I don't think I should go talk to him. I mean, he has some girl with him and plus he probably doesn't want some girl bothering him when he is clearly trying to enjoy himself." I say and she once again looks at me like I'm insane.

"Camilla Rose Avery, look how many girls are in this club tonight. And out of all of them, he chose you to send that drink to. I don't think you'd be bothering him by going over there." She states and I guess she has a point, but I still won't feel comfortable going up to him like that.

"Okay, but if I go over there, I'll just make a fool of myself. Therefore, I'm not going." I tell her and she sighs.

"Suit yourself, ut I think you're making a mistake. It's a once in a lifetime chance that you're passing up here..." 

I take in her words and come to the conclusion that she is right. I stand up, make sure I look okay, and grab my clutch.

"What are you doing?" She questions and I take in a deep breath.

"Hoping I don't embaress myself."

(A/N: Sorry this is kind of short, and sorry if there are any spelling errors. I'm kinda in a rush and just wanted to get a quick update in. Ooooh she is gonna go talk to Harry! I know no one will answer this, but what do you guys think will happen? Have a lovely day and I will update asap!)

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