Chapter 9

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*Harry's POV*

It's been a week since I last saw Camilla and she has been on my mind ever since. I guess it kind of sounds creepy or weird saying that I'm so into her after being with her for less than 24 hours, but we did sleep together and to be honest, I enjoy the fact that she wasn't throwing herself at me 24/7.

This may sound conceded, but whenever I'm around any girls that I meet, they are normally fans and are being way too easy, but with Camilla, despite the fact that we had sex, she wasn't like that. She was...normal.

"Dude, are you still thinking about that Camilla chick?" Zayn questions me while we are all sitting at the table, waiting for our food to arrive.

"Yeah..." I mumble in response and he shakes his head.

"If you're so hung up on her, why don't you just call her?" Louis asks.

"Don't have her number."

"Where does she live?"

"I have no clue." I answer. I guess in hindsight, I should have at least gotten her number.

"Do you know anything about how to find her? Her work? School? Anything?" He suggest and then I remember.

University of London

She goes there for school.

"She goes to the University of London. Studies politics." I say and smile, slightly remember how she told as we were having drinks.

"Then go there and find her. At least get some sort of closure if she isn't willing to be anything with you." Niall tells me and I nod. I stand up and tell the boys to just box my food and bring it to the studio later for me. They agree and I take off to find her.

*Camilla's POV*

Harry's here. How did her find me?! He must of remembered me telling him I go here. But why is he here?

"Hi, Harry..." I awkwardly greet him and he smiles, but look nervous.

What the hell?

"Hi, Camilla. Okay, so I know that the last time we spoke, you were getting up and leaving me after I practically forced you to go to breakfast with me, but I need to ask you something. I would have called you because that's much less stalkerish, but I don't have your number so this was my only option." He rushes out and I take it all in. What could her want to ask me? At least he realizes his slight creepiness. I nod, indicating for him to go on with what he has to say.

"Look, I know we got off to an awkward start, but I was wondering if maybe we could forget all that and go on a date? Like, a real date where I take you somewhere nice and we talk and get to know each other. I understand if you do t want to, but I'd love it." He finishes and despite the slight obsessiveness he has shown, I really want to say yes.

He is sweet. And I almost forget he is famous until I look out the window at the screaming girls staring at us.

Me going out with Harry Styles?! How does that happen?! I'm just a normal girl. And now I'm being asked on a date by a member of the world's biggest band.

"Sure. I'd love to." I smile and I can pretty much see all his nervousness wash away. Why would he be s nervous though? I'm nothing special. If anything, I should be the nervous one.

(A/N: Hellllllllo! So homecoming was last night and I had so much fun! There was a lot of people grinding on each other, though haha.

So this update is short & shitty but I need to finish my biology homework, sorry :(

Anyways, Harry and Camilla are going on a dateeeeeeee oooooh kill 'em!

Haha sorry me and my cheer team aways say that so I felt the need to add it in there.

This will sound thirsty as hell, but 5 votes for the next chapter? Probs won't happen but I can still hope.

Have a lovely Sunday night & I love you all!)

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