You Again?

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Chapter 3: Yemini Covin


My head moved around numb and my eyes blinked, I was seeing but at the same time I wasn't. My arm swayed as I was being moved, the trees moved as the birds flapped their wings with a chirping sound.

My head rolled around as I blinked, my body was tired and drained. I was feeling cold, my legs naked and shivering at the chilly wind, not even the shirt I had on was keeping me warm. My lips felt cold and dry, my throat was sore and my eyes burning from the tears I shed.

The sound of leaves crushing filled my ears as we moved, the person carrying me holding me tightly bridal style. My arm was hanging on his shoulder as the other swayed, his arm underneath my legs and the other one around my back.

I hummed underneath my breath as I glanced up, the person's face blurred. I blinked my eyes again as I tried to wake up my body but I was numb. My head rolled around as my eyes dropped once again, darkness taking over me.

"Oh my God, where did you find her?" I could hear my mother's voice as I was carried inside of a warmer place. "Is she okay? Tatiana told me what happened, did she recognized you?" My mother said again and I whimpered, she knows him too?

"She was in the woods." Jerk face spoke as my body was placed on a warm bed. "She's starting to remember who I am, Rebekah needs to do the spell again." Spell? What does my grandma has to do in all this?

"We can't keep toying with her mind, I know you want to protect her but this isn't the way. Making her forget you won't solve anything." My mother said as she tried to convince him. They've been toying with my mind? How could they? Tatiana was also in this? How can they lie to me like this?

"It's for the better, do you want what happened the last time to happen again? She was lucky to be alive, I won't risk it. I was way too naïve the last time. I won't let her go through that again." Jerk face spoke again and after that, my mother exhaled deeply.

"I'll call my mother, but you know she's against this and so am I. Look, you know we love you and we respect your decision of staying away from our daughter but don't you think you're taking this a bit far? You're giving up what you two had for something you two can fight together. You don't have to do this alone, I know how much it hurts you her not knowing who you are. Think this through. Don't let her wipe off her memories of you again. Let it flow, if she remembers then to hell with it."




I walked up the stairs to go to the roof, the only thing I like about going to this place is the view, it was perfect. The way the wind caressed my skin was...I gasped, my hand clutching hard at the stairs when my heels slipped, my heart beat madly against my ribcage as I turned around behind me to see the person who had his hands on my hips.

"You again?" I asked him with parted lips and wide eyes, "What are you doing here? Did you follow me?" I stared at him suspiciously, I haven't seen him at these types of parties before, I saw him in the woods and now suddenly he goes to the same events I go to? Hmm...

"What? No. And again, I saved you and you respond by calling me a stalker?" I rolled my eyes at his dramatic response, I didn't even directly called him a stalker but if he puts it that way.... I shrugged my shoulders as I stared at him.

"Thank you, now you can let go of my hips." I told him as I looked down at his hands that were still on my hips. He dropped them and I turned around, continuing my way up the stairs. I jumped off the small berm to get to the roof.

¿How far are you willing to go? {Book 4}  (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now