Picking Up The Pieces

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Chapter Sixteen: Yemini Coven


I paced around, figuring out what I was going to say to Xhian once I finally see him. He changed a lot for what I can remember from my new memories, new memories I had collected while forgetting my old once. I feel weird, these new memories felt weird. I can't believe I did everything I did, I feel so angry, how could they do this to me? My family? My friends?

I raised my hand up, and brushed it up and down one of my crossed arms. I let out a shaky breath, walking toward the slide door and unlocked it. When I stepped out, the wind wrapped around me, lifting me up as I closed my eyes, welcoming it. I stepped down, my hands clutching at my upper arms as I turned my head to the side, leaning it down my shoulder.

My hand moved up my arm as it covered my mouth, my other hand soon following as I covered my face. I moved my hands up to held my head as tears coated my eyes, tossing my head to the side I run toward the railing and jumped off the balcony.

"Yemini!" My body shattered, turning into leaves as I floated into the woods, the wind carrying me away. I wanted to escape, escape from everything. I wanted to just be one with the wind, making it guide me where it needed to guide me. To find peace and serenity.

I gasped, the leaves twirling around as my body came back. "Running away ha? Running from your problems? I thought you were a big girl to handle everything but guess not." The wind appeared once again in human form, scolding at me like she always does.

"You." I stalked toward her, "Have no idea what I've been through, you're just the wind, carrying yourself away every time. Running away from troubles and problems, I'm here, here! Everyone just using me! Taking me as a fool, I have the right to run away from my problems! I was just hit with them at once, I'm fed up of you, I'm fed up of my family, I'm fed up of the lies and I'm fed up of people using me as if I can't handle things. Yeah, maybe I can't but they should have given me a choice and they didn't! They did things on their own, thinking I'd just forget and forgive them for making me lose years of my life! I had lost everything, my life, my mate, my daughter! A daughter I didn't even knew existed! How kind of mother am I? I forgot my own child! So don't you dare scold me, acting as if you have the toughest life when you're just the wind."

I walked through her as I wiped my tears angrily. "You're right, I'm just the wind but at least I don't run away from my daughter." I turned around and she was gone, I burst out into tears as I crumbled down on my knees, leaning down my heels, my head down as I cupped my face.

Arms wrapped around me, and the tingles I once felt and once loved now disgusted me. "Get away from me!" I shouted angrily at him as I yanked myself up from the ground, taking several steps back. "You caused this!" I pointed at him through my blurry eyes filled with tears.

"How could you do this to me?" I asked him hurt and defeated, I wanted to know why he let go of everything. Why he gave up on us? Me? I shook my head as I pressed my eyes close, "You let go of everything, I don't care what happened, I know that you loved me, maybe not at first but I know you did, it wasn't faked anymore. I just want to know why you give up on me?"

"Yem..." I stepped back when he approached me, "At the time it felt like the only solution, do you think that I wanted to lose you? I had to do it for you, I caused this, I needed to fix it, even if it meant you forgetting me."

"You're so selfish, you thought about you, about your guilt, you did what you did to me out of guilt, scared to see my reaction of you not being with me because you loved me, scared to see that I would lose the love I had for you because you were using me. You did this to me out of guilt and because you were scared."

"We had a daughter for God sake's! How could you think even to make me forget her?!" I dug my fingers on my temple, "You didn't sit back and think that by doing what you were thinking of doing, that you will hurt me on the way? Hurt her? I lost three years of my life! I remember holding her so little and now, there's this girl so big I can't even recognize her. Her calling me mommy just brings a bittersweet feeling to me, I look at her and I don't see my daughter, do you know how that hurts?"

"No you don't." I shook my head at him, "You watch her grow, watch her walk, talk, experiences I always wanted, ever since holding her in my arms and you ripped that away from me. You took everything I dreamed off, you took my family away from me and I will never forgive for you for that."

"Yemini." He approached me, feeling the need to comfort me but I didn't want him around me. "Please, I'm here. Do whatever you want, be mad at me, yell at me, scream at me but please, don't walk away from me."

"Oh." I laughed, "So you didn't walk away? You didn't think twice to walk away like a coward!" I barged into him as I pounded at his chest and I knew that, that was what he wanted. I stepped away, only for him to grab me. "No! Let go of me, let go!" He held me tightly as I fisted him, sobbing as he pulled me closer to him.

I held his shoulders, my body trembling as I cried out. He held the back of my head, his arm around my back as comforted me. The sky rumbled, my eyes glancing up as the water droplets started to fall down from the sky.

I sniffed, closing my eyes briefly as I pulled away from Xhian. His hand touched my face as his eyes stared into mine. "Goodbye Xhian, what we had, could never be the same again."

"We can't say goodbye like this Yemini, not like this." He kissed my lips before I could react, his hands tilting my head up as he interlaced our lips together. I shook my head, detaching our lips from each other. "Please Yemini."

He took my mouth once again, my lips slowly responding back before my arms hooked around his neck. His arms around my back pulled me closer as my fingers tangled in his hair, the warmth of his tongue spreading electricity all over my body.

The rain stopped as the water slowly dripped from my sky, until it ended into nothing. Xhian's hands moved up, grasping my shoulder blades as the kiss turned passionate and hurriedly.

I needed to stop him before it turns into something else, his warm mouth on mine made me melt once more, forgetting to stop the kiss as it turned more intense. His mouthed moved down my chin and neck as soft moans escaped my lips. His hands caressed my body as his hands squeezed my ass forward, his erection making me moan loudly.

I gasped, his body pinning me against a tree trunk as he yanked up my dress, the air hitting my heated thighs as he hooked the corners of my panties with his fingers, pulling them down.

He plastered his body against mine, kissing my neck as I tilted my head up. His hand lifted my leg, my chest heaving up and down as he filled my cleavage with kissing. I glanced up, grazing down my bottom lip with a shaky gasp when he filled me up.

I flung my arms at him, squeezing his shoulder blades as he impaled me. I cried out, the feeling just too good. He felt so warm and good, my insides bursting with excitement. The clothes felt irritating against our sweaty bodies, our hands yanking and pulling at each other's clothes off, attaching our lips once again as he rocked his hips against mine.

"Yes!" I cried out at I nailed his back, his tongue trailing down my neck, trailing circled before he nibbled on it and pierced his canines on my neck where my mark once was. I moaned, my hands tailing down his back as I touched his ass, squeezing it forward with each thrust.

Our bodies rocked in sync as he took me rough and hard, and I was loving every second of it. Our breaths heaving as we crumbled down on the floor, the pleasure too much as we continued on the dirty ground, not carrying that we were muddling ourselves as I rode him, the wind wrapping around us.

His arms wrapped around me as he kissed my neck and collar bone, my head tossed back as I moaned. He was right, we couldn't let this end like this. We need to learn from the mistakes, pick up the pieces that has been shattered, placing them together piece by piece so we can start again.

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