I Will Never Let You Go (Hot Scene)

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Summer-Rose Killers


"What do you want? I have chocolate ice cream and Vanilla." Xhiani scrunched up her nose at the mention of Vanilla, shaking her head as she crossed her arms. "No, grandma. I hate Vanilla!" I widened my eyes with a laugh, "Fine, fine." I put the Vanilla back in the fridge and grabbed a bowl, scooping up ice cream as I placed them in the bowl.

I slid the bowl toward her and put the ice cream in the fridge, "What do you want to do?" I asked her as I leaned on the counter, watching her eat her ice cream, "I want uncle Yerimi! He loves to take me on wolf rides."

"Yep, that's me. The kid loves me." Yerimi said cockily as he made his way into the kitchen, "Isn't it right kid?" He ruffles her hair and she grinned, nodding her head. I smiled at their bond. "Yes uncle Yer." 

"That's my niece." He high fived her and placed a kiss on top of her head, brushing his fingers in her hair. "Give me some ice cream." Yerimi opened her mouth, humming when she gave him some. "Delicious."

"Finish your ice cream and we'll go." I smiled down at her as she nodded, eating her ice cream. The front door opened and I glanced up, waiting to see who arrived. "Mommy! Did you see my brother?" Xhiani jumped from the stool the moment she saw her mother walking into the kitchen.

She sighed, giving her a small smile. "I'm sorry baby, but there is no baby." She shook her head as she stepped back, "No mommy, my brother is in there. He has to be." She spoke sadly and I felt bad for her, she really wanted Yemini to be pregnant.

She turned to look at Xhian, "Daddy, is it true that my brother is there right?" She asked Xhian hopefully. "I'm sorry princess." He kneeled down in front of her as he touched her face, "No! I hate you." She said mad as she rushed past Xhian and Yemini.

"Xhiani!" Yemini called her out as she turned around, "I'll talk to her." Yerimi said as he walked out of the kitchen. "I feel bad, she was so excited about it." I told them with a small smile on my face, "I know now is not the best moment, but I wanted to make a dinner with all of us together. It's been a while since we had a family reunion."

"I don't feel in the mood, but thanks anyway mom." Yemini said as she gave me a wobbly smile, turning around as she made her way out of the kitchen. "I'll try to convince her." Xhian said and I nodded my head at him. "How are things going between you two?"

He sighed, "Not good, I don't know what else to do for her to forgive me. Somehow, I just feel like she doesn't want us to be like we used to. We both have changed, we think differently, we have clashes more now and I know, it was wrong what I did, but I did it thinking about our daughter, about her."

"She will forgive you, give her time. She's mad, we're not talking about a small issue. We're talking about losing the part of her daughter's life, she always wanted to experience. It killed her. I know! I can watch Xhiani today and you two can go out on a date night. Start again, forget that you two had Xhiani, forget that Vixon happened, the spell, everything. Think about High school, what you two had. Start there, and maybe things will get better between you two."

"I don't know, I want to but, I don't want to, you know. Make her feel like I'm pressuring her or something." I exhaled deeply, tapping my lips, "I don't know, try. Just try. Ask her! Yemini is unpredictable, you never know with her. "

We found ourselves sitting in the kitchen as we talked about Yemini and their situation right now.

Yemini Coven

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