Shocking Situations (Hot Scene)

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Yemini Coven


I waited nervously, jumping when the door was closed. "Did you got it?" I asked him as I made my way toward him. "Yes." I snatched the bag from his hand and made my way toward the bathroom. I took the test out of the bag and ripped open the package, sitting down on the toilet only to glance up to see Xhiani and Xhian standing on the doorway. "A little privacy please? I can't pee with you two staring at me with the same look."

Xhiani giggled, "I want to know." She shyly spoke as she swayed side to side on her heel. I scoffed, shaking my head with a smile. "Shoo! Go away. Give mommy a bit of privacy." She shook her head and stuck her tongue at me. "You're noisy aren't you?" I laughed when she nodded her head.

I peed on the stick and cleaned up myself, flushing the toilet. "Yes, the show is over, now go." I placed the test on the counter as I washed my hands, drying them on the towel. "We have to wait for the results."

"I can't be pregnant, it's impossible." I hushed out at him, "I don't think I magically got pregnant in less than 24 hours!" I barked out at him, "Well tell the results that." He spoke sarcastically and I glanced at the test on the counter with two pink lines.

I grabbed the test, "But...Why is this positive?" I spoke still in disbelieve, "We didn't have....." I tried off when I remember the night in the woods. "Yes we did." But, how? Weeks have past and nothing happened. "It's been eight if not more weeks since that night! Why am I having symptoms now? It doesn't make sense. It's been like two months."

"Well if you want to get over your doubts, we can make an appointment right now. We can take Xhiani to your mom." I sighed, nodding my head as Xhian made the call. I ran a hand through my hair as I let out a deep breath. I don't know what to think about all this.


I waited patiently, my leg shaking as I tapped my fingers together. "Yemini Coven." I snapped out of it as I glanced up at the gynecologist who called out my name, he was the same one that told me that I was pregnant with Xhiani 6 years ago. "Yes." I spoke as I stood up, Xhain following after me as we made our way inside of the room.

"Oh, I see you two again. Ready for another baby?" I gave him a smile while on the inside I was all over the place. I don't know what to think or how to react about this whole thing. "Lay down on the bed." I did what I was told and tilted my head up, blowing air as I glanced at the ceiling. 

I blinked my eyes, my feet tapping nervously as he lifted my shirt. I shivered slightly when he placed the gel on my stomach, moving the transducer around. I let out a deep breath, turning to face the screen.

Tatiana Slayer

I slurped on the straw as I drank my milkshake, popping some fries into my mouth. It's somewhere around two and I'm at this dine, my cravings not letting me sleep. I was tired but yet, I can't get myself to close my eyes and rest.

The door of the dine opened as Drake walked in, I frowned, removing my eyes as I continued to mind my own business. The chair was pulled back, how dare he? I glanced up at him, he scratched the back of his head. "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm fine." I stood up, my craving long gone just at the sight of Drake, he touched my hand, stopping me from walking away. "I'm sorry for what I did, I know that there aren't words to describe everything I caused you, and I just hope that with time, we can be friends, or if you accept me, we can be together as the mates we are."

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