The Family Reunion Part III

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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Writer's POV


"Family, we are gathered tonight for the first time in a while, or if I might say years." Maximinus said as he stood up, glass in hand and the others soon followed, their glasses up in the air. "I'm very proud to see our family together, many generations from both sides, the Ardens and the Armstrongs."

"I'm very happy that we kept our family alive, our bloodline alive. I'm very proud of my sons." Maximus pointed the glass in their direction, "Maximilian and Maxim, they worked really hard on the pack, they prove themselves to me that if I go, my pack would be in great hands."

They beamed from ear to ear, their mates by their side with a tight grip on their waists. "I want to thank Ciara and Hazel for keeping these two from messing up. Every time we thank, we should be grateful that be have someone by our side, our mates are the most important thing in our lives. We should thank the moon every time we got, because some aren't that lucky."

"I'm blessed to have this family, I'm blessed that we created so much powerful wolves, our family has been through hell and back, and we're still here." They roared at that, clapping their hands, "To my only daughter, Rebekah. My mate named her after my dead mother, who's soul is wandering with the ones from our ancestors, protecting us from above."

"My daughter, went through so much things in her life but she kept herself strong. I never saw someone stronger than her, it just amazed me how strong she can be, she gave her life for her children, my grandchildren. There was no one in our family that never gave their life for family, we are one, always fighting and protecting each other."

"I want to thank Sebastian, for the heartaches he caused my daughter." Sebastian laughed as he pulled Rebekah into a side hug, glass in hand. "No, but seriously though. I wanted to kill you so bad. The tears my daughter shred for you were a lot, I won't lie, my mate shred a lot for me too, I wasn't that loving and trusting ether."

"I went through a lot, there were some periods in my life were I didn't know where to go, in which direction I should guide myself. I was lost, confused and in a really bad place. I did things that I myself wasn't proud of, nor my mate. I lost my mate many times in my life, sometimes it was because of the same mistakes over and over again, and sometimes it was because of her crazy ass." Alexandra slapped him at that while the bunch laughed.

"But, we love each other, we found our way back in each other's way. It was a long roller coaster, the biggest one yet created in a relationship. I'm glad and blissful that the moon put her in my way, even if it was a crazy ass woman. I love her to this day, and I will love her till the day I die. The moon blessed us with three children of our own. Three pain in the ass."

"I'm not trying to interrupt you dad, but we were a pain in the ass for a reason." Maximilian laughed, "We got it from you anyways." He bumped his fist with Maxim, "But seriously, like my father said, sorry for interrupting again, I'll take some of your words dad. We were blessed to be in this family." He looked around, "You should cherish every moment, every second, every day you have with your mate, your children. Time flies in a blink of an eye."

"I know that because it happened to me, I remember being seventeen yesterday, there are some things I want to do different but being with the love of my life, my mate, is something I wouldn't change for the world." He turned to look at Ciara. "I wouldn't change what we have nor my daughter Josie for anything. So I thank the moon for having them in my life."

"My brother here, spoke about cherish." Maxim butted in, "Sometimes, we take things for granted, thinking we have time but we don't, we don't have time at all, I know that, I know it because it took me a while to decide, it took me a while to be brave, but I knew what I wanted, I sat back and realized that, you don't have to leave things you can do now for later, because maybe that later you're waiting for will never appear again. I thank the moon today for my mate Hazel, and my daughter Miranda."

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