Telling The Truth, Well Most Of It

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Chapter Twelve: Yemini Coven


I blinked my eyes open, looking around confused at the blurry room I was in. "I'm glad that you're awake." I scooted away as I frowned at my mother, my head snapping around. But...what? I don't understand.

"What happened to me? I was in the woods with......" I blinked my eyes as I frowned, no. It wasn't a dream. I swear to my life, it felt so real. "Mom, please tell me what is wrong with me, I can't keep living in this lie. Tell me, please tell me what is going on."

My mother sighed, "I can't, baby I want to so bad but I can't tell you. One thing I know is that If I spill out what happened to you, both you and Tatiana's life will be in danger."

"That's why she has the scars right? Something happened to her, to us. Mom please, tell me why I can't remember some things? Was the dream about me drowning real? Did it really happened to me? Did someone locked me in a glass box, filling it with water as they watched me suffer? As they watched me die over and over again? Was that real mom, was my dream real."

Tears streamed down my face as I spoke, sobs threatening to escape my throat. My mother took a deep breath, "You met a boy, he got into our lives and started to do cute things, give you flowers and try to make you fall in love with him. When he did, he never imagined that he would fall for you too."

"Some dangerous people that harmed my mother when she was your age, came back into our lives. The boy was working with them, he wanted out, so they hurt you. They kidnapped both you and Tatiana, you guys looked the same so they didn't know which one of you was the one they were looking for."

"They put you in glass box and they hung Tatiana to a ceiling, just like they did to my mother. They forced the boy to watch how they fill the glass box with water, watching you drown over and over again. When your father and your uncle came, they pulled you out of the box dead."

"When your father came and told me that you were dead, it felt as if my soul was ripped away from me. My daughter was dead, your hands were cold, your body pale. I was angry, angry because we let the boy in our lives and he was meant to hurt you."

"Even though he changed his mind after, he still was the reason why you were dead. I called my mother in tears and begged her to save you, to do something. When she came and was able to bring you back, the boy made her removed your memories you had of him and what happened. With the promise that he'll stay away. That's why I can't tell you, because if the people who hurt you found out that you're still alive, they will hurt you again and we won't be able to save you this time."

I pulled my mother into a hug as we sobbed together, I can't believe that she went through all that and I was giving them a hard time, Tatiana. Oh God, she got wrapped in all this because I met a boy. I can't believe this.

"What is going on?" My father said as he opened the door with a frown on his face. I pulled away from my mother as we wiped away our tears. "I can't bear to see the most important girls in my life crying."

Aw, my father is so sweet. "Come here and give me a hug." He got on the bed with us and I pulled my dad into a tight hug. No matter how much we argue, I know that I'll always have my parents back. They are the most important things in my life.

"Wow, I feel loved." My brother said as he came in, "I always knew that you guys liked her the most but it's okay." My brother sniffed dramatically, "I understand. Okay, I have something in my eye."

"Aw, come here and join us." I squealed when he jumped on us, laughing as we hugged each other. "I love you guys so much."

Tatiana Slayer

I woke up early in the morning and went to Joe's bar, It's been a while since I came here, seeing that I was busy with scar. These past few weeks has been amazing, I took things slow like my mother asked me to. We went to amusing parks, to the movies, we watched football game, we run together in wolf form, we went to the beach, we went to lakes. We had a movie night, we talked about his family, how he grew up and everything.

"It's been a while since you put a foot here, busy with your telenovela guy?" Ally said as she dried the glasses with her cloth, "How was it? Tell me everything." She tossed her cloth over her shoulder and made me a drink, sliding it toward me. "It's on the house now spill."

I sat down on the stool as I drank from the straw, telling her everything since the pool party. Her jaw dropped the more I continued with the story. "You're not a virgin anymore! You slut! Oh my God, good for you. I'm glad you're happy, mostly after that jerk of Drake rejected you."

"Yea, he's amazing. I love him." Wow, did I just say that I love him? Did I? Did I really love him? I'm not sure. We've known each other for over two months now and he makes me feel happy and special, and loved. So yeah, I'm in love with him.

"Aw, I love these sappy things." Ally said with a dreaming sigh as she stared at me, "Are you guys taking things to the next level? Like move in together, or you guys are like boyfriend and girlfriend already?"

"I think so?" I shrugged, "We haven't talk about that yet." Ally nodded her head. I hope that we last just like my aunt and uncle did, seeing that they aren't bonded mates by wolf but bonded by a witch bond."

"The stage needs you, we've been losing clients since your last time here." Ally told me as she placed the glasses neatly against each other. I nodded my head, turning around on the stool as I watched my guitar on the wall behind the stage.

"I missed her, being with Scar made me forget about her and this place." I sighed as I stared at my guitar. I stood up from the stool and headed toward the stage, grabbing my guitar as I went to the chair, sitting down as I accommodated the microphone.

I played the guitar, "I don't wanna be the last man standing, I don't wanna be the lonely one. Picking petals when the party's over, no it's not any fun. Cause, I, I, I, I, I, I'm fragile and you-oh, know this. So hold me, wrap in love fill up my cup empty, and only your love can fill up my cup cause I'm hollow, yeah I'm hollow, cause I'm hollow, yeah I'm hollow."

"Yeah! You still got it." I smiled at Alley with a shook of a head, placing the guitar down as I got down the stool. I went back to her and took a sip from my drink. "You should stay and sing tonight, Joe would like that very much. His daughter got sick and with the bar not getting enough money like it used to, he's a bit sad."

"Wow, I didn't know that. We should totally plan something tonight, like.....2 for 1. Two drinks for the price of one, we can print handouts and place them on the street. We will get this bar full Ally, you can bet on it."

Ally and I made the handouts for tonight and duck tape them on the walls, placing them on cars wiper, on the street lights and handed some to the people walking by. After we were finished, we went back to the bar and set everything for tonight.

I went home after and took a shower, looking for an outfit in my closet to put on. When I was finished, I texted Scar and told him to meet me at Joe's bar and to bring all the friends he could. I called Yemini after I finished texting Scar and told her to meet me at Joe's bar. "Wear something nice!" I told her before we hung up.

"Where are you going?" My mother asked me when I descended the stairs. "We're doing something tonight at Joe's bar. His daughter is sick and he needs some money, me actually not going there made him lose some clients. So I'll repay him tonight by getting him the money he needs for his daughter."

"Aw, you're such an angel Tatiana. I hope it goes well tonight, Joe is a great man. I'm happy that you're doing this for him." I gave my mother a smile and told her goodbye as I walked toward the door, opening it as I got out.

I got into my car and drove to Joe's bar, in less than fifteen minutes I was there and the bar was already crowded. I parked my car and got out, heading toward the bar. I pushed the door open and made my way toward Ally. "We did it Tatiana, look how crowded this place is and it's just eight."

"I know, let's do this."

¿How far are you willing to go? {Book 4}  (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now