Stay The Night (Hot Scene)

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Chapter Twenty-One: Yemini Coven


I leaned against the counter, one arm crossed and the other one holding a glass as I drank some tap water. I sighed, turning aside as I placed the glass on the counter, glancing up when Xhian made his way into the kitchen. "She's asleep now." Xhian said as he made his way toward me. I turned around, pouring the rest of the water in the sink and washed the glass.

"I'll leave now." I dried my hands and turned around, "Do you have news of Scar?" I asked him as I crossed my arms. He shook his head, "No, I haven't hear anything from him." I leaned against the edge, crossing my feet as I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're lying to me." I leaned up straight and made my way toward him.

"Where is he Xhian? You know exactly where he is!" I barked out at him with gritted teeth, lack of space between us. "Where did you disappear to? Are you keeping him informed? Do you know what his plans are?" I questioned him angrily.

"I don't know where he is, and I'm not keeping him informed, I don't know where you get these ideas from. This is not my pack, where do you want me to be? You wanted time, so I gave you your space to think things through. Now you have a problem with me not being here?"

"Don't twist things and make this argument about me, you know where he is and you're still lying to me. How can I trust you? He is your cousin, he tried to hurt my cousin, he is dangerous. If you're back in your ways......" He cut me off.

"Back in my ways?" He started to raise his voice at me, "What ways? He is my cousin, your family wants him dead. I couldn't care less about Vixon's dead but he is my brother." He growled out at me, his body hovering above mine.

"I met him a few times, I tried to convince him to stop with what he was doing but he won't listen. He asked for Tatiana and I just told him what I know, I don't know where he is and I don't know his plans. I stopped that life a long ago, I won't go back to those ways, not even for my cousin."

I stared at him with pinned lips, "But your family wants to kill him and I won't let that happen, I won't let them kill him. He is the only close relative I have left, everyone else is dead. I haven't hear from my sister, I have a lot on my plate. You won't give me a chance, I'm trying not to lose it." He stepped back, "I'm here for my daughter, she asked me to stay so I will, as for you. I will keep my distance, you being here isn't making the situation any better."

"I'll leave then." I walked past him only for him to turn me around and push me backwards against the fridge, his hands on each side of my face as he stared down at me, my chest heaving up and down as I glanced up at him. "Don't do that Yemini!" He barked out at me with a bang on the fridge and I jumped in place.

My eyes closed as I heard him inhale deeply, "We are both moody and sexually frustrated." I popped my eyes open as I watched him pinch the bridge of his nose. "I know you're mad at me but we can't function when we're like this, I don't want us to fight in front of Xhiani."

"I'm not sexually frustrated." He scoffed, pressing against me, his eyes intimidating me as his hit breath hit my lips. His body felt too close for my comfort, and I don't like that, I needed space, I like my space. I touched his biceps, my face leaning side to side as he leaned in. "You're not sexually frustrated?"

He thrust me against him as he squeezed my ass, a breathy moan escaping my parted lips as  felt his erection pressed against me, "I bet you're already wet and I didn't do anything yet." I pushed him away, only for him to bring me back but this time my back to him and my front pressed against the fridge.

¿How far are you willing to go? {Book 4}  (Old Version) Being renewedWhere stories live. Discover now