Chapter 1

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I walked into school with my purple hood and mask on. I ignored all the stares and whispers I heard about me. I got them enough. They don't know it but it hurts. They have no right to judge me just because I wear a hood and mask.

'I don't care what they think about me as long as they don't find out my secret I'm good.' I thought to myself. Then Cadenza, from the group that always wants to me friends with me, walked over.

"Hey, Aphmau!" She said with joy in her voice. I ignored her and carried on walking to class

"How are you this morning?" She asked. I could tell they were starting to get annoyed. They send someone different over every morning and they still didn't get a reply. I just ignored them and I planned to for as long as I can.

"Still not talking?" She asked. I ignored her again and she walked off to her group. I walked to class and sat in the back like I do in every class. The bell went and everyone went to class. I heard more whispers about me. They don't know how much it hurts to hear these things about you. They don't know what I've been through. They know nothing about me. They think they know everything but they don't. Then at about 15 minutes until the end of class and I was spaced out remembering things about them, like always, when the teacher picked on me.

"APHMAU!" The teacher shouted at me snapping me out of my thoughts "Does Lady Irene have a child?" I was asked. I knew the answer since it is me but I stayed silent. The teacher waited 5 minutes then asked me again

"Aphmau. I said: Does Lady Irene have a child?" I stayed silent again and I started to hear the whispers again. After about 5 minutes the teacher went on with the lesson and I spaced out again. Then my thoughts were interrupted by the lunch bell.

'Finally!' I thought to myself. I got picked up my notebook, put it in my bag, picked up my bag and walked out the class fiddling with my Asgardian bracelet. {Pic at the top} It was one of the last things from my mom and dad I have.

I was walking to lunch Until I was stopped from the most horrible people ever. My cousins. I know it sounds like we're meant to be friends and all if we're cousins but it's not like that. Especially if their Leah and Sabrina the daughters of Loki and the Shadow Lord. But no one knew that obviously.

"Move out the way looser!" Sabrina said sounding disgusted. I ignored her and tried to walk around them but they wouldn't let me.

"Aww does little Aphie want to go past us...?" Leah asked acting like I was a baby

'At least they didn't call me Jess...' I thought to myself. I stayed silent looking down

"Still staying silent?" Sabrina asked

I tried to walk past them but Sabrina pinned me against a locker. "You daughter of a shadow. Literally" I muttered to myself

"Aww! Thanks!" She said like it was a compliment. I rolled my eyes but then Leah was suddenly stood next to looking very intimidating. I tensed up and started to fiddle with my bracelet again.

"Aww is that what your mommy and daddy gave you?" Leah asked like I was baby

"Actually yes they did!" I replied suddenly finding my confidence

"So she talks!" Sabrina said. They were starting to get on my nerves

"Yes, I talk!" I said finding more courage

"Ooh, she was never this feisty back home," Leah said edging closer to me. I stopped fiddling with my bracelet and tensed up even more.

"You deserve this cous!" Sabrina let me go and they both punched and kicked me. Then Leah got a crimson pocket-knife out her pocket {Obviously} and she stabbed me in the arm with it. There was a roaring sensation of pain going through my body. They smirked and walked away leaving me bleeding and collapsed on the floor. I was about to heal the cut when the group that always tries to talk to me walked past. They saw me and rushed over.

"APHMAU?!" The all shouted shocked

"H-hi..." I said weakly. They all had a surprised expression when I said hi but it quickly changed to a serious expression.

"Who did this to you?" Laurance asked

"N-no one," I said getting up running to the bathroom. The girls followed me but I got into a stall and locked it just before they could do anything. "If anyone asks it was a really strong healing potion"I mumbled to myself. I took a deep breath, took the lid {the wings bit} off my bracelet and let white light surround me. After a moment, the light went away and I put the lid back on my bracelet and all my cuts and bruises were healed. I walked out the stall to be greeted by the shocked faces of Cadenza Lucinda Kiki Kawaii~Chan Emmalyn Nicole and Katelyn.

"Where did all your cuts go...?"Lucinda asked curiously

"I used an advanced healing potion" I quickly replied

"Explain that white light then!" She said again.

"W-what light? I didn't see a light." I lied

"There was a bright white light coming from your stall!" She said

"Uh... No..." I lied again

"If you don't tell us I'll use a truth potion on you." She said

"Fine.... I have healing magic that's all..." All I said was that. I mean it's technically not lying.

"Oh cool!" I heard all the girls say

"Heh, I guess. Just please don't tell anyone." I said

"Become our friend then we won't tell anyone!" Cadenza said and they all looked at me with pleading eyes

"I was meaning to come talk to you guys a few days ago anyway..." I started

Hearing or saying that word. Hearing or saying 'few' always brings a memory or two into my mind. I love all the memories I made with them. But that is all behind me now. I saw them die and I was heartbroken. But that was the past. This is now. I'm going to stop being so quiet and I'll allow some friends into my life. This time will be different. I will protect them. I won't let them get hurt at any cost. I will risk my life for them

"I would love to be your friend!" I finished smiling. They all smiled back and we walked out the bathroom together and over to the rest of their group.

I hope you liked that first chapter!

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