Chapter 10- part 2

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Horse pig faced teacher's P.O.V

OOOOOOH they were late...

Now to really get the truth out of them...

Are they the few?

Or are they not?

Aphmau's P.O.V

Me and the few sat down in our seats like bosses, not caring about the stares. Everyone turned around after a moment but the the TEACHER KEPT STARING!

That lil butthole {This is me trying not to cuss :p}.

Control the inner sassmau.... Control it... CONTROL IT!!

"Take a picture, it lasts longer!"

WHY CAN I NOT CONTROL WHAT I SAT ANY MORE!??!? The few all face palmed.

The teacher glared

"Wut?! I can't control what comes out my mouth anymore!"

"Good ol' Sassmau!" Castor laughs

Me and the few glared at him.

The teacher stared at us in shock.

The rest of the class looked confused outta their minds.

"Did you say Sassmau....?" The teacher asked suspiciously.

"Um... Nope! Nopeity nope nope!!!" Castor refused

"YOU SO DID!" The teacher shouted

"NO HE DID NOT!" Kayla backed him up

"HE DID TOO!" The teacher shouted.

"NO HE DID NOT!" We shouted back

Lightning flashed and everyone, except, me, the few and weirdly the teacher....

Zane leaped into Travis's arms and they both blushed, BRIGHT red!

Huehuehue I ship it!!!! {Huehuehue dere chu go katherinepham02}

I'm guessing it only flashed because I'm getting angry...

The teachers eyes opened wide and stared at my lightning birthmark on my cheek

"What?" I asked.

The few were also staring. I noticed that their birthmarks, on their cheeks, that represent their parents, were glowing. That must mean... Mine is to...

"Oh rotten crabby patties!" I muttered

"Y-you're t-the f-few..."

Me and the few were in shock because our birthmarks have never glowed before, we were just taught about them. We were just told the things we would need to know about them.

"Umm..." Is all I replied and then I put me and the few in a sound proof bubble.

"THIS IS BAD!" I shouted as the bubble completed it's transformation.

"I do hope our parents are ok..." Kayla said with her voice full of sadness

"It's ok Kayla..." Steven said and gave her a hug. I kept my inner fangirl in because this is a serious time.

Ok so let me explain, if our birthmarks are glowing, it means our parents are in danger. And I'm guessing it's something to do with Loki. But, this is bad! This means that Earth's safety is up to a bunch of 16 year olds! But before we do all that, we have to save our parents, or at least mind talk to them.

"So what do you do, Jess?" Katz asked me

"We should try mind talking to our parents. Hopefully we can reach them." I replied and got a nod from the few.

The bubble popped but we were still facing each other.

"Dang it! I knew I should off used a stronger bubble!" I mumbled

"Ya think?!" Castor asked sarcastically

"Oh shut up!" I gave him a friendly slap around the back of the head.

"Owwwww!!!" Castor whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Jess, Castor stop! This is serious business!" Sly said sounding like he's in charge. Me and the few all rolled our eyes.

"Sly, just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you're in charge!" Katz exclaimed

"I agree with Katz!" Alex, well, agreed.

"Yup!" Jose backed them up

"Ok, so, you ask picking on me now!?" Sly said angrily. And from there, the argument started. Steven joined in going against Sly and me and Kayla just ate popcorn watching it all happen.

"Should you stop them?" Kayla whispered to me smirking.

"Yes!" I giggled.

I summoned Mjolnir {forget how to spell it every time :p} but not my suit. I struck lightning just infront of the arguing guys and then I de-summoned Mjolnir.

The class and teacher was staring at me and the guys were glaring.

"What? You wouldn't shut up!" I said defensively.

"And you couldn't OF JUST ASKED US?!?!?!" The guys screamed

"I could of, but that's less fun!" I smiled. They rolled their eyes and me and Kayla high fived.

"S-so you're really t-the f-few..." The pig faced teacher stammered

"Umm... Yup..." Kayla answered

"Now if you'll excuse us, we need to save our parents!" I said about to summon Mjolnir

"JESSICA! You said mind talk to them first!" Katz said stopping me

"Ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh!" I said having a moment of sudden realisation.

"Just mind link us all to our parents already!" Steven said

"Ok ok!" I said about to do it

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!!!" The teacher yelled

"Whatttttttt!?!?!!????!?!!?!!?!???" I whined "this is kinda important!"

"Are you ACTUALLY going to be talking THE Thor!?"

"Well DUH! He is my dad!"

Then the teacher passed out...?

Oooooookay... That's not weird at all... I wonder how the rest of the class is still quite... Hmm...

" Oooooookay...." Jose said

"That happened..." Alex added. OK I OFFICIALLY SHIP THEM!!!!!!!!!

"Ok sooo shall we go outside and do the call thing...?" I asked since it would make more sense if we did.

"Yep! Good idea!" Sly replied.

Me and the few walked outside and had the call thing.

We found out that Loki is holding them captive and who makes the best cupcakes in all of Asgard.

"Ok step one: Finish this day of school. Step two: GET SOME OF THOSE CUPCAKES! Step three: Resuce our parents!!" I exclaimed after the call

"Is step one and two really resisary?" Katz asked

"Step two, yes. Step one, not so much... But eh!" I replied running back into the school with the few following after me

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