Chapter 6-part 2

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Aphmau's P.O.V

"W-what happened?" I asked with pain in my voice while sitting up. I felt something trickle down the back of my head. Blood

"APHMAU!" Everyone shouted in joy and they hugged me. I winced in pain. They all let go and looked over me with concern fear and worry in their eyes. So I healed the cut while staring at the few.

"Aph what happened?" Cadenza asked

"Uh...." I said struggling to know what to say. I was looking at the few at the other end of the meadow. I looked down at my watch and noticed the time. I looked back up at the few and said, "isn't it time for you all to go? It's almost 5."

"It is but what about Aphmau~Senpai?" Kawaii~Chan argued

"I'll be fine!" I said

"No you wo--"Aaron started being interrupted by me.

"I'll be fine. I promise!" I just want them to leave me in peace.

"Ok, well if you need one of you have all of our numbers." Laurance said.

"Yep, I do." I said

"Ok, bye Aph." Katelyn said

"Bye guys!" I said waving at them as they left.

As soon as they were out of sight I led down on the grass thinking about what has happened.

Kayla's P.O.V {Huehuehue didn't see that coming did ya?!}

Me and the few were packing up the picnic we took to the meadow when I sensed something. More like someone. More like Jess.

I then heard loads of people shout her middle name.

Then I sensed some sort of magic. It felt like Jess's magic. At that point I was sure that Jess is here.

"Guys Jess is here." I said staring at the other end of the meadow.

"Kayla. What do you mean?" Castor asked talking slightly quicker than usual.

The look he had in his eyes... I couldn't quite describe it, but it was like he knows something...

"Castor you know something that we don't." Steven stated

"N-no!" Castor stuttered talking faster than usual

"Oh he sooo does!" Me and Steven said at the same time

Castor's P.O.V

Great... They know that I know that Jess is on the other side of the meadow.... Great... Just fantastically great!

"NO!" I shouted

"Tell us what you know!" Sly kinda ordered me

"NEVER!" I shouted. I am not going to tell them! Never ever never!

"I'll kill all your chickens!!" Steven threatened. HOW DARE HE!?

"FINE!" I gave in

"Yay!" All the few said happily that they won

"Jess is on the other side of the meadow..." I said quietly

"JESS IS WHAT!?" The rest of the few shouted


Aphmau's P.O.V

"JESS IS WHAT!?" I heard a few people shout

"JESS IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MEADOW!" I heard a voice like Castor's shout.

Oh no... Ok shall I go over?

Or not?

{Imagine if I left it as a cliff hanger there XD}

I will... Ok... I will!

I get up and brush all the loose grass of my dress.

I walk in the direction of the few. Tears start welling up in my eyes as I get closer. But they were also full of joy...


Steven's P.O.V

A girl who looks exactly like Jess started to walk in our direction.

"Guys..." I said to the few

"What Steven?" Sly said sharply.

"Look...." I said pointing at Jess. Everyone was in disbelief.

"She hasn't changed one bit..." Sly said his eyes filled with love.

"No she hasn't..." Kayla said with her voice and eyes filled with joy

Kayla's P.O.V

I can't believe I get to see my best friend again after two years. It felt so good. I've missed her so much!

Aphmau's P.O.V

I can't believe I get to see my best friends and my boyfriend {Huehuehue Slymau} again after two years!

I walked over to them and there was an awkward silence. I was determined to break it.

"H-hi..." I said quietly while smiling slightly.

"Hey..." Sly said

"Wow Sly you had to make it more awkward!" I said sassily and did a sassy hair slip

"SASSMAU!" The rest of the few said smiling and laughing

"I'm back baby!" I said all sassily again laughing

"GROUP HUG!" Castor shouted and we all hugged.

"It's good to see you again Lady Thor." Kayla said smiling. I raised my eyebrows at her to say 'Hammer time?', she nodded at me smiling. I stood up grinning. The boys looked at me with a confused expression. I wiggled my eyebrows at them giggling.

"I, LADY THOR, CALL UPON MY MIGHTY PAPER WEIGHT MJOLNIR!" I shouted with my hand raised in the air. Mjolnir flew out of nowhere and into my hand. Lightning struck and I was in my Lady Thor armour, but I heard some people shout


Sky's P.O.V

Me and the boy's didn't actually go home. Aphmau was staring at a group of people at the other end of the meadow earlier. We wanted to know if she knew them or not. The look in her eyes... It just made me think like she does... I can't explain the look... I just feel like she knows those people...

We were hid behind a tree near them. They were talking and hugging when Aphmau shouted something.

"I, LADY THOR, CALL UPON MY MIGHTY PAPER WEIGHT MJOLNIR!" She shouted and raised her hand and a hammer flew into her hands. Then lightning struck her.

"APHMAU! NO!" Me and the boys shouted.

Mwahahhahhahah cliff hangers!

Hehehehe I am so so so evil!

Hope you liked it!


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