Chapter 3

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Aphmau's P.O.V

There he was.... Sly Stark....

Memories and voices flashed before me. My mind and vision blurred.

"N-no.... It can't be him.... He died.... They all died.... In front of me...." I whispered sadly. My head started to pound furiously.

Flashback start

"LET THEM GO!" I screamed at my uncles

"IF YOU WANT THEM BACK GIVE US MAJOLIR " Loki shouted at me. I looked at the few with pain in my eyes.

"DON'T DO IT JESS! PLEASE! PROMISE US YOU WILL NEVER GIVE IT TO THEM" The few shouted at me. Tears started to stream down my face. I could tell they were about to do the same but they didn't. I wiped all my tears and nodded,

"I promise..." I whispered softly

"NEVER! I WILL NEVER GIVE IT UP!" I shouted at Loki with pain and anger in my voice

"Well say goodbye to the few then, JESSICA!" The Shadow Lord said with his booming voice,

"Stay strong Jess..." I heard Sly say. But I did not know that it would be the last thing he would ever say,

"I-I love you Sly... I love all of you..." I said with deepened sadness in my voice. Steven was about to say something but Loki struck him with a dark energy ball and he died. Tears rolled down my face. He did the same to all of them except Sly.

"ONE LESS CHANCE JESSICA!!!" Loki shouted and me with hatred in his voice

"NEVER!" Tears streamed down my face "I DON'T MAKE PROMISES JUST TO BREAK THEM!" more tears rolled down my face and Loki hit Sly with a dark energy ball. I broke down into fits of crying. They were killed.... I will avenge them....

Flashback end

Tears were rolling down my face. I clenched my fists to stop myself from doing anything stupid.

"G-g-guys.... Can we go...?" I asked when I managed to stop the tears. I was looking down and my eyes were all puffy from the crying.

"But what ab---" Lucinda started but I cut her off

"Look, can we please go... I need to get home..." I said calmly looking at Sly. I tried my best to look away but I can't. He was still led unconscious and helpless on the floor. I wanted to help him but I don't want him to know I'm here. For all they know I could be dead, and I want them to continue to think that.

"O-ok..." Aaron said shocked at my calmness after my breakdown of tears.

"Thanks..." I said still looking at Sly. Oh how I longed to run over and hug him but I knew I couldn't. It's taking all my strength I have not to run over and hug him. I've already revealed too much of my past earlier at lunch and I don't want to reveal any more. I got lost in my thoughts for a bit again but I was snapped back to the real world but someone shouting my name

"APHMAU!" Laurance shouted at me.

"W-what...?" I asked nervously still staring at Sly.

"You've been staring at that person for 10 minutes with pain and love in your eyes." Nicole said

"Can we please just go...?" I said desperate to get away from Sly for his own safety

"Sure. It's almost the end of lunch anyway." Katelyn replied.

"Oh funnnn!" I said sarcastically in an attempt to cheer myself up. I heard laughs and saw smiles from my friends. That's all I needed to cheer myself up. All I needed was for my friends to be happy. I smiled and I was happy again.

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