Chapter 7-part 1

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Me and Kayla were the first ones to wake up. We're going to prank the boys!

"You ready?" Kayla whispered to me excitedly

"Oh you know it!" I excitedly whispered back

"3" She counted down


"1" On '1' I blasted an air horn. I heard crashes as if it was the boys falling out of bed.

Me and Kayla fell over with laughter, quite literally!

The boys ran downstairs, still in their pajamas, to see me and Kayla rolling on the floor with laughter.

"KAYLA!! JESS!!" They screamed at us angrily. We finally stopped our laughing fit, stood up, and innocently replied,


"WHAT THE HECK!?" They screamed at us again

"Just a before-the-first-day thing." I replied calmly

"That, and a way to get you out of bed." Kayla added.

The boys rolled their eyes.

"Ugh we're going to go change." Sly said blankly. Then all the boys walked back upstairs.

"They not not to come in their super suits, right?" Kayla asked me.

"Probably." I replied. Just as I said that the boys -being the idiots they are- came downstairs in their suits.

Me and Kayla both facepalmed.

"Idiots" Kayla said then with disappointment in her voice.

"What?" Castor asked confused

"You can't go to school in your suits!" I said pointing out the obvious

"Oh" The boys replied. Thet ran upstairs and changed into their normal clothes.

They came back downstairs and we set off for school.

le time skip∆

The few and I were stood outside the school. I turned to face them.

"Ok, so you ready for your first day of normal highschool?" I asked them with joy in my voice

"Yep!" They happily replied.

"Ok, let's go!" I said.

We walked into school and over to my friends.

"Hey guys!" I said to them

"Oh hey Aph!" Katelyn said

"Hey baby girl," Travis flirted

"She's taken!" Sly quickly said and started to hold my hand. I lightly blushed.

All my friends, except the few, looked at me and Sly in shock.

"SINCE WHEN!?" They all shouted at us

"Since about," I started

"Three years ago... I think" Sly finished

"Yep, three years tomorrow!" Kayla said smiling

"YOU COUNT?" Sly and I shouted at her

"Yep!" She replied

"Oh and, Kayla, hows things going with Steven?" I teased causing her to blush madly.

"Y-you p-promised to n-never talk a-about that a-again..." She studdered blushing

"Ooooooh does Kayla have a crush on Steven?~" Alex and Jose asked in a sing-song voice. Steven blushed.

"Ooooooh Steven!~" Castor and Katz said in a sing-song voice.

"SHUT UP GUYS!" Kayla and Steven shouted at us.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine!" We said laughing

"We're confused..." Lucinda said

"Basically, these are old friends." I explained

"Hii" The few said

"So, Aphmau, are you really going out with him?" Laurance asked disapprovingly on Sly

"Yes. Yes I am. We almost accidentally got married once!" I replied happily

"Shut up! It would only be for my visa!" Sly said

"Shut up! You lived, or might still, there!" I laughed

"Whatever!" He laughed

"I swear you two are married!" Castor said

"Shut up!" I told him.

"Um... Aphmau, its almost time for class..." Dante said

"Oh yeah, what class?" I asked

"Magics!" Kawaii~Chan exclaimed

"Funnn!" I said sarcastically and everyone laughed.

"Let's just go," Lucinda said. I smirked

"Ok, RACE YOU ALL!" I shouted running off to class with my super speed

"OH IT'S ON!" The few shouted running after me with their super speed

I got there first thanks to the head start! Then Castor got here after about three seconds. Then the rest of the few came.

"No fair! You had a head start!" Steven complained

"Aww is little baby Steven mad that I'm faster then him?" I said to him, like hes a baby

"Yes Jess, I am!" He replied and I stuck my tongue out at him

"Wait.... YOUR NAME IS JESS!?" All my other friends shouted at me. I did not realise they were there.


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