Chapter 16

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Previously on SDPH:

As Aphmau staggered her way through the empty halls of Phoenix Drop High towards the class she was meant to be in; Magic.

"I hope it worked..." She mumbled.

She pushed the classroom door open to see ____________________...


She pushed the classroom door open to see Loki and the Shadow Lord... Her eyes widened in shock and fear. Her vision clouded over with hatred and tears. Her heart ached with sorrow and anger.  

Her knees felt like jelly and it took up all her remaining strength to keep her stood upright. "What are you doing here?!" She growled, voice filled with venom. 

"Aww, you not happy to see you're only uncles?~" Loki teased. 

"Never!" She growled once again. She took a glance around the room to see everyone either tied/chained to a chair and gagged or trapped in a shadow cage. Her eyes widened and a tear dropped out her left, amber, eye. "N-no..."

"Aww, is the all mighty Jessica Odison crying?~" The Shadow Lord, or Shad for short, mimicked. Anger boiled up inside of her as white wings sprouted out of her back. This took Loki, Shad and herself my surprise but she wore them with proud and a smirk. 

As Jess got used to the wings a floaty, white dress, with lace hems, swapped with her normal clothes and a big white, crystal sword appeared in one hand as Mjolnir appeared in the other. She felt the power and electricity surge through her body as her dress began to decorate itself with yellow lightning bolt patterns. 

Shad and Loki froze up, staring at her in disbelief. Her smirk widened as she saw the two men quiver. 

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way.~" She threatened. They didn't back down. They summoned their weapons with a smirk.

"I sense you're not at your full potential.~" Loki chuckled, in a non-friendly way.

"That means it'll be easier for us to do this.~" Shad chuckled, in a non-friendly way. 

As Jess stood there trying to process what they meant, her guard fell right down. Loki and Shad took this opportunity to strike her. They got her down to the ground and they both smirked and undid the spells on her class mates. 

"This isn't over!" She shrieked as Loki and Shad disappeared chuckling evilly.

"What isn't over?" Katelyn asked as she rubbed her eyes. All of Jess's classmates, including the teacher, were staring down at her as she shamefully turned bright red. Their eyes were bulging out of their socks as she smiles innocently, de-summoning her weapons and her dress swapped back into her clothes from before. She let out a small sigh and smiled a bit.

"I'll explain later..."

Super Divine Phoenix High {continued in other book}Where stories live. Discover now