Chapter 8

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Me and the few were sat in the park just catching up and stuff like that.

"So Jess, how was three years without us?" Katz asked

"Peaceful." I joked "But painful thinking that you guys died..."

"Well were are here now, and we're never leaving!" Alex said and we pulled into a group hug.

"Well I know that now!" I laughed as we released from the hug.

"Say, wanna go flying for old times sake?" I asked everyone.

"Ooooh yes!" They replied so I handed flying potions to those who can't fly. {Because I forgot who can and can't fly*derp*}

"Ok, stand back, I don't want to hit you with lightning when I summon my mighty paper weight!" I exclaimed

"It's not a paper weight!" Sly complained.

"Yes it is," I said "now stand back!"

They all took a few {Hehehe see the pun? No? Ok...}

I put my hand out in the air and in a very loud and strong voice I said "I, the mighty Lady Thor, call upon my might hammer Mjolnir!"

Lightning struck and I was in my armour and I had Mjolnir!

"So, are we showing our suits or nah?" Sly asked.

"Nah. Have them hidden," Steven said

"Ok" We all replied. The few pressed a button on their super watches that said 'press to equip super suits', so they were in their suits. We all then pressed a button on our super watches that read 'press to hide super suits', so we pressed it and our suits were disguised as our normal clothes.

"Pretty conveniently labelled buttons!" Kayla said to Sly.

"What? Dad likes to label things!" Sly said in defence

"Let's just go!" Castor said starting to get fed up.

"Ok ok, grumpy pants!" Jose joked and he started to fly.

"Wait up!" We all laughed and we flew up.

We were flying above the tree tops when I saw my friends from school.

"Hmm... Fancy a little spying?" I smirked

"Sure!" The few laughed and we landed on the top of the tree closest to them.

Aaron's P.O.V

Me and our group,( we decided to call our selves 'The Rossome Warriors') {My friend told me to put it, don't judge XD} were sat in a clearing in the forest.

"Do you think their the friends Aph has always muttered about, before she became our friend and all?" Garroth asked.

"Maybe..." Zane said

"It's really likely." Lucinda said.

I suddenly heard a rustle of leafs coming from a tree near by.

I looked up and I saw Aph and her friends stood on a tree.

"Guys look up there!" I said to everyone and pointed to Aph and her friends.

I saw them look at each other and then the Kayla girl shouted "DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S RUDE TO POINT!?" And then I saw them FLY?

"How is Aphmau~Senpai and Aphmau~Senpai's freinds doing that?" Kawaii~Chan asked

"No idea..." We all responded at the same time while watching them fly off.

Sly's P.O.V

"Do you think their the friends Aph has always muttered about, before she became our friend and all?" Garroth asked.

"Maybe..." Zane said

"It's really likely." Lucinda said.

"Why are we up here?" Steven asked

"Because I want to!"Jess sassed. She pushed Steven a bit, so he stumbled making the leave rustle.

I think the Aaron guy heard the leafs because he looked up and he saw us.

"Guys look up there!" He said to his group and then he pointed at us.


"DON'T YOU KNOW IT'S RUDE TO POINT!?" Kayla shouted and then we all started flying over them.

The looks on their faces were priceless! {It's the Garroth you're screwed face. Aka the one from PDH when Garroth finds out his mom will kill whoever kissed Aph}

"How is Aphmau~Senpai and Aphmau~Senpai's freinds doing that?" Kawaii~Chan asked

"No idea..." The others all responded at the same time while watching us fly off.

Jess was giving us a tour of Phoenix Drop. I have to admit its a cute little town.

When we got back to our house we all burst out laughing.

"Did you see their faces?" Alex laughed

"Yep!" Katz laughed and he showed us a picture of them, which caused up to laugh even more.

"Do you think they know it was us?" Jess asked once we'd all calmed down

"Yup!" We all responded

"Well then, thats our secret gone!" She half laughed

"Yup" We all responded and we burst into laughter again.

Oooooooooooooooooh their secrets been found out!!!

Well mostly.

Sorry that it's slightly shorter then usual.

If you are reading this bit comment 'BRU WHAT AM I DOING'

I just wanna know if people read this bit XD

Anyways, stay mad and keeping shipping my angry little fangirls!


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