Chapter 10 -part 1

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Aphmau's P.O.V

After me and the few saved Garroth, Aaron, Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan yesterday, we bunked the rest of school. Luckily it was only 5th period. Which LUCKILY was only maths. Well it was maths for me anyways, but eh.

MATHS ISN'T IMPORTANT! Well according to my maths teacher it is, bit in my opinion MATHS ISN'T IMPORTANT.

So.................. YEAH!

But anyways back on topic, (which I was on until Author~Chan (who's user name is Aphmau like mine, which is weird) made me go off topic BECAUSE SHE HADDDDDDD TO MAKE HER POINT ABOUT MATHS!) we knew we were either going to get in trouble orrrrr explain why we bunked. Which would mean saying our secret. Which would mean OUR LIFE'S WOULD BE OVER!

Either way, we're screwed.

"Ya know, we're screwed with whatever happens." I said to the few as we walked into school

"Yup!" The replied

"So what should we do about Garroth, Aaron, Lucinda and Kawaii~Chan?" Katz asked.

We all started at him with a confused expression.

He facepalmed "They witnessed what happened yesterday, so what are we going to do about it?" He explained to us like we're babies.

What? It's not our fault he's the smarter one of the group!

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" We all said

"We could avoid them for the rest of our life's!" I said. They facepalmed

"Orrrr, Jess sweetie, you can wipe their memories of yesterday." Sly said while gently rubbing my back

What?! Can a superhero not catch a break for like one day?! Everyone has their off days, EVEN ME! For mom's sake.

"Oooooooh yeah.... Heh.... Heh... " I replied "Is it weird for Lady Thor to have an off day?"

She all sighed and laughed

"Whatever miss Thor!" Sly joked

"But I feel bad about having to do this...." I said while looking down

"Why?" Castor asked

"Well their my friends and all...." I trailed off

"You don't wanna have to hurt them" Kayla finished.

She knows me so well so I replied "Mhhm... "

"Let's just get through today, and we'll sort it out later" Alex said

"I guess...."

"Ok good!" Jose added

"Let's just go to class and let's see what happens." I said smiling

"Yeah!" They all replied. The class just so happens to be magic. Ughhhhhhhhhhh!!! Whyyyyyyyyyyy!?!!!!

We walked to magic, but we were late. WHY WORLD!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

Horse pig faced teacher's P.O.V

OOOOOOH they were late...

Now to really get the truth out of them...

Are they the few?

Or are they not?

{Cue evil laughter}

SOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry it's short! It's like 2.25am where I am.

Don't ask why I'm still up at this time.

BUT is everyone alright with a bit of Zanvis?

This is mainly for my friend katherinepham02 and stuff


But Um....

Zanvis yes?

Zanvis no?


Anyways, stay mad and keep shipping my angry fangirls


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