Chapter 4-Magics class

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Aphmau's P.O.V

Me and my friends got back to school from the park with fifteen minuets left of lunch. We all had the same class: Magics. For some reason {Which is if you don't my plot will be ruined!} even if don't have magic you still have to take the class. Everyone in our group that didn't have have magic were confused why they had to take the class. 

"Aph since you don't have magic what's your opinion on having to take this class?" Travis asked me. Oh right I still haven't told the boy's that I have magic. 

"Well..... I do have magic..." I said extending the 'well'. The boy's looked like their eyes were going to pop out their sockets. It was funny to be honest. 

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?!" They all shouted shocked. Me and the girl's were laughing our heads off

"Since when?!" Travis asked after they had all calmed down

"Since I was born!" I said like there was nothing wrong with having magic, which there isn't.

"So were your parents magic users?" Aaron asked 

"Yep." I said gaining a hint of sadness in my voice

"Cool!" All the boy's said again

"Yeah... I guess..." I said tearing up 

"Guy's we have ten minuets to get to class and we're on the complete opisite side of school!" Emmalyn said with worry in her voice

"Right. RACE YOU ALL!" I said happily and we all ran to class. I got there first thanks to my super speed. Everyone else eventually got to me. They were all out of breath and I was laughing in their faces.

"Seriously, you guy's are so slow!" I said amongst all my laughter

"How are you so fast?" Asked an out of breath Garroth

"Because I'm awesome!" I said sassily which caused everyone to burst into laughter

"Anyway, Aph are you going to participate in class?" Kenmur asked curiously

"No... Only you guy's and a few others know about my magic... So depending on what we're doing I most likely will be staying quiet like usual..." I said. My friends nodded

"But if I get called on to answer a question I know THEN I'll talk." I said and the expression on my friend's faces brightened a bit. The bell rung so we walked into class. All my friends sat on the back row with me. It's nice having friends... I guess I just never wanted to let anyone into my life after them... But I can't think about that now... After all I only have to survive this class. 

It was about 10 minuets into class when I got a note. I read it and almost died of laughter!


Don't ya think the teacher looks like a horse?!

From Katelyn'

I wrote back saying


Yes. Yes I do! I mean like look at dat nose

From Aph'

Judging by her expression after she read it she was going to die of laughter aswell. Katelyn had just passed me back another note and I was about to read it, but then teacher turned around and saw Katelyn pass me the note.

Katelyn's P.O.V

Oh Irene no... Me and Aphmau are done for! Stupid horse, teacher hybrid thing!!! 

Aphmau's P.O.V

"APHMAU!" The teacher screamed at me. I quickly changed the note from what it said too:

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