Chapter 6- part 3

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Sky's P.O.V

"APHMAU! NO!" Me and the boys shouted.

The lightning cleared and Aph, well at least I think it's her, was stood there without a scratch. How.... It makes no sense....

"Crapple..." She muttered

Aphmau's P.O.V

"Crapple..." I muttered

"Jess, who's that?" Jose asked pointing at the boys

"Friends that I thought trusted me!" I said slightly angrily

"Aph, who's Jess?" Travis asked me

"So I see you're using your middle name. Eh?" Steven said nudging me

"Stop that!" I laughed

"Again, who's Jess?" Vylad asked

"Me...." I squeaked

"What was that?" Zane asked

"I'll tell you all at school tomorrow..." I said. I really don't want to, but I have to now...

"No Aph, tell us now." Garroth said

"No, I'll tell you guys and the girls tomorrow at school. Just please go..." I said really wanting the to leave

"Aphmau. we're not leaving you with strangers!" Aaron said

"YEAH!" Ross, Max and Jin backed him up

"Their not strangers..." I said hurt that they would think that

"WE'RE PRACTICALLY HER FAMILY!" The few shouted and I smiled.

"Pfft sure!" Ross said

"THEIR THE ONLY FAMILY I HAVE LEFT, THANKS! SO IF YOU WANT TO DIS THEM THEN YOU CAN GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" I shouted at the boys. They looked shocked, I had never shouted at the before. I can tell it won't be the last time.

"S-sorry..." The boys muttered

"JUST LEAVE!" The few and I shouted at them. They quickly nodded then the ran off shaking with fright.

"Jess... Are you ok?" Sly asked me while holding my hand

"Y-yeah..." I lied

"No your not..." Kayla said

"It's just... Their the first friends I made since I saw you guys die and--"

"Wait, wait, wait. We never died." Steven said causing me to facepalm and laugh a bit

"Yeah, I can see that now. But anyway, I'm going to have to wipe their memories of me, once I tell them..." I said sadly

"You don't have to..." Alex said

"Yeah I do, I can't have them knowing who I am... For their safety... And if they knew Leah and Sabrina would tell their dad..." I mumbled the bit about my cousins

"Their here!?" The few asked angrily

"Y-yeah..." I said looking down. A single tear escaped. It landed on Sly's hand.

"Ewww. JWESS IWS LEAKING!" He shouted in a 5 year old voice.

"Wow Sly!" I laughed

"Heh, I haven't seen any of us this happy in a while!" Steven said

"Is Castor still chicken crazy?" I asked trying to lighten the mood

"More then ever!" Alex complained

"The noises are so annoying!!!!!" Steven complained

"NO THEY'RE NOT!" Castor shouted

"YAH THEY ARE!" Everyone but me, and obviously Castor, shouted. I burst into laughter

"Sounds likes hes a CRAZY CHICKEN SHAMAN!" I laughed. Everyone, including Castor, burst into laughter

"I'm boredddddddddddddddddddddd" Castor whined

"How about I show you my house?" I said putting my hammer down

"But you might need to change back first," Kayla said reminding me I was still in my Lady Thor armour.

"Or I could set up a teleporter so teleport us there." I said

"You carry them around with you?!" They few asked me in slight shock

"Yeah. I have one set up to get to school because otherwise I would be late." I said like it's nothing

"Ok. Let's just go" Kayla and Steven said. I must of been grinning like mad because they started to shake their heads.

"Jess... NO..." They said

"Hehe, yas I ship it!!!" I exclaimed

"NO NO NO!" They shouted blushing

"YES YES YES!" Sly, Jose, Alex, Castor and I shouted

"Let's just go to your house..." Kayla said still blushing

"Ok!" I said smiling. I set up the teleporter and put in the coordinates for my back garden.

I picked up Mjolnir up we all teleported to my house.

Sly landed in my rose bush and everyone was laughing as he tried to untangle himself from all the thorns and vines.

"Sly theres a path behind you" I managed to get out through laughter. He walked through the path thing and stood next to me.

"Why is there a path into and out of your rose bush?" Sly asked while taking out a thorn that was stuck in his suit.

"In case that ever happens." I replied

"Oh" He said.

"Heh yeah anyway I'm going to show you your rooms now!" I said smiling

"Wait we have rooms!?" The few exclaimed

"Duh! I used magic to extend the house on the inside but it kept its original shape on the outside!" I said like it was clear that, that is what I would do.

"Ooh" They said

"Heh yeah,"

"Anyway the rooms are:

Mine is purple

Sly's is yellow.

Kayla's is white.

Alex's is red.

Katz's is navy blue.

Castor's is grey.

Steven's is lime green.

Jose's is dark green."

"Cool!" The few said

"Anyway... How do you guys feel about coming to school with me tomorrow? It'smuch better then it used to be back in Asgard!" I said

"We'd love too!" Sly said answering for everyone

"Ok yay!" I said smiling

"I'm going to bed, I'm really tired!" Kayla said yawning

"I'm with you," We all said. We all had a drink and something to eat and then we went to bed.

Yay a chapter without a cliff hanger!!

Hope you are all enjoying this book!

And I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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