Chapter 7-part 2

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Aphmau's P.O.V

"Wait.... YOUR NAME IS JESS!?" All my other friends shouted at me. I did not realise they were there.


"YOUR NAME IS JESS?!" They screamed.

I'm getting a feeling that their mad....

"Technically..." I mumbled.

I swear I could see steam coming out their ears...

"Let's just go into class." Castor quickly said trying to change the subject

"Right, yeah," The few agreed

"Ok, you can sit on the back row with me!" I said happily

"But Aphmau~Senpai, Kawaii~Chan, Katelyn~Sama, Cadenza~Chan, Sky~Kun, Laurance~Kun, Jin~Kun and Aaron~Kun sit on the back row with Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan whined {Geez typing in 3rd person like that is hard XD}

"Well I'm sorry that I'd rather sit with friends that I haven't seen in like 3 years!" I exclaimed.

I grabbed Sly's hand and ran into class with him and me and the few all sat down on the back row.

Sly sat next to me. Then it was Steven, Kayla, Jose, Alex, Katz and then at the other end of the row was Castor.

Then my other friends glaring at the few.


Katelyn was in front of me and Aaron was in front of Sly.

The rest of the class eventually came in and so did the teacher.

{Hehe whos ready for some nosey horse teacher action?! XD}

It was about 20 minutes into the lesson and the teacher left the class. That's when Katelyn and Aaron turned around to face us.

"Ya' know we really don't approve of you two dating!" Katelyn told me and Sly.

"Um, since when were you my dad?" I asked sassily

"And um, we don't care what you think!" Sly sassed

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?" Aaron shouted at Sly while standing up.

"Aaron calm down!" Katelyn said to him. He blankly ignored her.

"HE THINKS, NO WAIT, HE KNOWS HES MY BOYFRIEND!" I shouted at Aaron standing up.

"Calm down, we don't want 'it' to happen, especially since 'their' in this class." Sly said in a calming manner to me.

I took at deep breath and said

"You're right." Then I sat back down.

"Just leave my boyfriend and my friends alone!" I hissed at Aaron and Katelyn.

Aaron sat back down in his seat and Katelyn turned back around.

Then the teacher walked back into class.

"Today we're learning about the few, and their powers!" She explained.

I got a note from Katelyn that made me almost laugh out loud!


Horse face is back


I instantly passed her one back.


I know right!!!

I mean look at her nose!

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