Chapter 12

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Quick warning: Once again, sorry if this is a bit bad and stuff. I'm still on my Fairy Tail binge watch (I'm on ep 60 while I'm writing this warning!). Wendy is my new favourite character!!!

Also, I'm gonna be MAJORLY editing this book after I've published this chapter, but don't worry. Updates will continue.

Now.. On to chapter 12 (I think thats the chapter I'm on anyways xD)!


Aphmau's P.O.V

What's happening in my life right now;

▪️ The few (Excluding Sly and I) are being complete and utter idiots and embarrassing us!!! (Someone save me ples...)

▪️ The ONLY talk of the school is how Thor's daughter (me) and Wolverine's daughter (Kayla) got detention. Quite frankly IS IT GETTING RATHER ANNOYING! 

▪️ Sly is making me blush like crush because he keeps saying really sweet things... I love him to bits.

Soo... That is what's going on in my life at this moment.

I've sunk into my chair at lunch, trying to ignore Sly so I stop blushing. Suddenly, mine and Kayla's teacher from earlier walked into the lunch hall. My eyes widened, {lel ep 61 now :p} and I quickly sat back up in my seat. I began to eat my lunch, completely ignoring everyone else. The teacher started to walk towards the few and I. My hand started to shake slightly with fear and raging anger.

"NO! Do NOT give in to your fear and anger, Jessica!" I thought to myself, my voice full of determination. I smirked to myself as a thought came into my mind. Yes, it might risk me getting another detention but, eh!

"Aphmau," The teacher said to me as she reached our table. The few stopped whatever the heck they were doing and smirked slightly, getting the same idea as me.

"Yes miss?" I asked with my voice itching with politeness and innocence. The teacher gave me an odd look 

"What are you hiding?"

"Ohh... Nothing!" I giggled, nodding at the few that were stood behind her with trays full of mash-potato. 

"Ok.. Anyway--"

"NOW!" I laughed, cutting the teacher off. The few threw all the mash-potato on her. Everyone in the lunch hall that were watching started laughing

"DETENTION! ALL OF YOU!" She shouted

"You can't give us a detention if you can't catch us!~" Jose laughed

"RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!" Alex shouted. The few and I picked up our bags and ran off out the lunch hall laughing like mad.

We ran. And we ran. And we ran. Running outside, I bumped into the cherry blossom tree. We all burst out laughing as we sat underneath it.

"Ahah! Found you!" The teacher exclaimed. We all gulped "Detention! After school! ALL of you!"

We all sighed in defeat "Ok.."


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