Chapter 5

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Aphmau's P.O.V





I hit my alarm clock. It broke... Oops...Eh oh well I'll fix it later.

I jumped out of bed and took a shower. I used lemon pie body wash and I washed my hair. I got out and put on a dress that reminds me of Ariel from The Little Mermaid {Pic at the top}. Damn did Kala love that movie. Heh, it's my birthday tomorrow.... Great.... Now tomorrow is going to be sadder then usual...

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. I wiped it off and set off to school. I wasn't wearing my mask or hood, I haven't since magic class the other day. I still hear whispers about my scar sometimes, but their mainly of people wondering how I got it. Sabrina and Leah haven't bothered me since the other day, and I'm glad.

I walked over to my friends, even though I was feeling a bit down I put on a fake smile and acted happy.

I was talking to Garroth and Cadenza and the kept giving me funny looks, I'm not sure why.

Cadenza's P.O.V

Aphmau was acting differently. Something about her smile and the way she was acting it just doesn't seem right. It almost seems... Fake! I mean she wouldn't hide anything from us... Would she? No she wouldn't we're her friends! But still... Her smile... Oh well... She would tell us if something is wrong. Heh yeah she would.

"Soo.... Are any of you guys doing anything tomorrow?" Aph asked us all

"I don't think any of us are... Why?" I asked

"Well... I was planning to have a day out to the meadows... Since tomorrow is my birthday and a Saturday!" she said and suddenly her smile looked less forced.

"Wait... TOMORROW IS YOUR BIRTHDAY?!" We all asked her, well more like shouted at her

"Yep!" She said smiling like it's no big deal

"Ok we'll meet you at the park tomorrow around mid-day?" I asked. Aph had the biggest smile on her face almost like she hasn't celebrated her birthday in years! All though it might true...

I'm not sure since none of us know about Aphmau's past... I wonder why she hasn't told us anything about her past... It's kinda worrying because for all we know she could be a shadow knight... Nah Laurance would of sensed it... But still, I'm curious about her past...

But I still want to know... Maybe she'll tell us soon... I hope she does.

Aphmau's P.O.V

I haven't been this happy to celebrate my birthday since my time with the few! One of the best times was the night after my 4th birthday.

Flashback start

It was the night after my 4th birthday and me and the boy's snuck into mine and Kala's room for what we called "operation midnight cake". We all had our walkie talkies and we split up. Sly Steven, Kala and I went in a group, and the others went in front of us checking around every corner on the way to the kitchen that the coast was clear. We got to sneak down the kitchen and we didn't want to risk making noise so I used my magic to get the cake down off the shelf, but like all 4 year olds do... I dropped it half way down, by accident, and it made a big noise. There was the noise of the plate that the cake was on, hitting the floor, there was the splatter of the cake hitting the floor and there was the noise of us bursting into uncontrollable laughter.

Then dad and mom walked into the kitchen.

"We're dwone fwor..." Kala said

"Yep!" Steven said.

"Kids...." mom said

"Yes?" We all said innocently

"Why are you down here...? You know it's against the rules..." mom said

"We're sowwy..." We all said looking down

"Come on back to bed we can speak about this some more tomorrow." dad said. We all looked at each other and smirked while mom and dad looked confused.

"ONWY IF YOU CAN CWATCH US!!" We all shouted and ran out the kitchen giggling and laughing. We were all hid behind the couch in the living room giggling. We couldn't stop giggling. Thor appeared on the left to us and Irene on the right.

"FOUND YOU!" mom shouted at us, not in the way she was mad but as if it was all a game, which it was to us.

"You few kids are really energetic for gone midnight," dad said "Hey, that sounds like a good group name for you guys. The Few!" He added looking at us. Our faces beamed with the biggest smiles ever

"WE WUVE IT!! We all exclaimed happily

"Then The Few it is!" dad said happily

Flashback end

I started laughing. That was one of the best times ever from when we were little. I miss them though, so much.

I was still laughing when Aaron said,

"Uh... Aphmau?"

I stopped laughing and replied,


"Why were you laughing?" He asked curiously

"Just memories." I said weary of my wording

"Ok..." He said

"Aphmau I have a question!" Cadenza said

Cadenza's P.O.V

I'm going to ask her if she's hiding something from us.

"Ok... Ask away!" She said, I swear I saw her eyes glimmer with nervousness for a moment but probably not.

"I'm not sure how to put this.... But... Are you hiding anything from us...?" I asked. I definitely saw her eyes glimmer with nervousness this time.

"Technically.... Yes... But technically no..." She said looking down.

"So you do have secrets....?" Lucinda asked

"Yes, but doesn't everyone...?" Aph asked

"Non of us do...." Laurance said backing us up

"Well I'm sorry but I do, and I can't tell any of them... I've already revealed enough...." She said looking down. Her eyes were filling up with guilt but also sadness

"Ok... We understand..." Garroth said

"Well actu---" Laurance started but I covered his mouth

"She doesn't want to talk about it Laurance." I said. He bit my finger so I moved my hand and slapped him

"OWW!!! YOU BAKA!!" I shouted at him. The boy's looked really confused so me and the girls laughed in their faces

"Inside joke." Kiki said, the boy's nodded slowly

"Care to explain?" Kenmur asked

"NOPE!!!" Me and the other girls shouted then we ran into school laughing with the boy's chasing us.

Boom finished the chapter!!!
For my schedule check my bio on my profile page.
Another chapter without a cliff hanger!!! Yay!!!
But the next chapter will most likely have a cliff hanger.
Sowwy >~<
But anyways

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