Chapter 7.5

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So this is the lunch fight from last chapter but in one of Aphmau's friends P.O.V. And if you haven't read the last chapter I suggest you do! Oh and this idea was thought by CaityShy.

Cadenza's P.O.V

The lunch bell went for, well, lunch. 

Oh thank Irene.

All that teacher ever goes on about is super heroes. Like, what do super heroes have to do with magic? Ok, I take that back, they can have a lot to do with magic.

Me and the rest of my group, minus Aphmau, was about to leave class for when we heard one of Aphmau's 'old friend' (yeah I still don't believe it) Castor say

"Who wants to race to the lunch hall?" Castor asked Aph and the rest of her old friends.

"Oh it's on!" They all agreed.

"3" Kayla started

"2" Steven added.

"1" Alex finished and they all ran to the lunch hall.

They all looked like blurrs to us. It's like they has super speed or something, but only super heroes have super speed, and there's no way seven teenagers have super speed. 

Yeah right, theres NO WAY that seven teenagers are even remotely close to being super heroes!

Me and the rest of our group walked to the lunch hall, but we were behind Aph and her friends since they were running, but we had a perfect view of the race!

Castor was in the lead but Aphmau was about to over take him.

She just ran and over took Castor and got to the lunch hall first.

"Hehe I beat you!" She laughed in Castor's face. 

  "Pfft, whatever!" He said pretending not to care, when I could tell that he actually does.  
Lucinda's P.O.V

Me and our group sat down at our usual table with our lunch.

Aphmau didn't sit with us, I guess it was either because she wanted to sit with her 'old friends' (yeah I don't believe it!) or because of what happened earlier. 

Not sure...

We were all talking when we saw Aph and her 'old friends' sit at the table next to ours.

I heard Aph say something that caught my attention, not sure why, but it just did.

"Soo, Kayla, hows it going with Steven?~" She teased in a sing-song type voice.

Kayla and Steven immediately blushed 50 shades of red.

"Uh... I... U-uh... W-what d-d-do y-you m-m-mean?" Kayla stuttered

"Oooooooooooooh~~" The rest of Aphmau's group said in a sing song voice

"Ok, Kayla, girl talk when we get home!" Aph exclaimed.

"O-ok..." Kayla stuttered a reply.

Her and Steven were still blushing.

"Hey Laurance," I whispered to him

"Yeah?" He whispered back

"Look at Aph and all 'old friends." I whispered.

He turned around to look at them.

"Hey Jess?" We saw Alex smirk

Why do they call Aph Jess?!

"What Alex?" Aph asked

"Think fast!" He exclaimed and he then threw a cube of cheese at her.

Aph gave him the death glare, waiting for him to buckle under pressure.

After glaring at him for about 10 seconds we saw her threw two blocks of cheese at him.

"Oh no you didunt!" Jose said all sassy like.

"Oh yas she did!" Katz said even more sassy.

"This is not going to end well," Castor said with worry in his voice

"Nope. It will not!" Sly added.

Aph and Alex were glaring at each other ignoring the others.

"Grr..." She growled softly at Alex.

Sly grabbed Aphmau's hand to stop her from doing anything rash.

I noticed Laurance was boiling with jealousy and anger.

"Jess calm down..." He whispered in her ear.

"Your right... Sorry..." She said calming down

"Humph you're no fun!" Alex teased

"Grr..." She growled again.

We turned back around.

"Do you see Aphmau and that Sly guys?" I asked everyone at the table.

"Yeah, I think the boys are gonna explode with anger and jealousy..." Katelyn said. Us girls all looked at Laurance, Garroth, Aaron, Sky and, surprisingly, Zane.

"Hmm... Who knew Zane~Kun would be jealous!" Kawaii~Chan said

"Yup!" Everyone on the table, except Zane, said.

We all started to talk about random stuff again until I heard Aph say to her friends, 

"Guys, Leah and Sabrina are coming over..." 

I saw Sly tighten his grip on Aphmau's hand. 

"Oh look, it's the few!" Leah said when they got to Aph's table.

Wait... As in the few... As in The super heroes?

Pfft, nah!

You're going crazy Lucinda, there's no way those 7 teenagers are super heroes!

"Go away..." Aph snarled at them

Ok, so I'm starting to believe that their super heroes slightly more now.

Wait, that would explain how their so fast!

Pfft, nah!

Once again you're just going crazy Lucinda!

"Pfft, we just got here!" Sabrina exclaimed

"Go away!" Katz, Castor and Jose said in unison

"Fine, but this won't be the last you see of us!" Sabrina and Leah exclaimed then they walked off.

We heard over the intercom that school was finishing early so Aph and her friends walked out of school and so did we.

So, I hope you liked the chapter!

And I thought of a name for you guys!

Your now My Angry Fangirls!

Thank you for whoever submitted that name!

I can't remember your username, but thanks for all suggestions guys!

I really did have a hard choice choosing!

So remember, stay mad and keep shipping

Peace out My Angry Fangirls!


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