Chapter 2

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Aphmau's P.O.V

I was at lunch sitting with my friends. Cadenza and Garroth were holding hands. {There you go Cadenza_CandyFF. But read on you'll like the bit at the end} I almost ship it more then I ship Kayla and Steven. I really do miss those guys.... Everyone was saying something from our past. I was thinking about what to say as everyone said theres own stories.

"Aph we've all been. It's your turn now" Laurance said. I got all nervous but I said something that I didn't realise would reveal more about my past.

"My old friends and I we used to live somewhere that wasn't on Earth..." I said. I realised what I said and tears started to stream down my face.

"Aph..." Laurance said with deep sorrow in his voice "We're sorry we made you say that..."

"I-its ok.... I just miss them a lot..." I said as a few more tears roll down my face

"You sure?" Nicole asked

"Positive. I just need to avenge them that's all..." I mumbled the bit about needing to avenge them. I just wish I could tell them... But they wouldn't understand.... Just more things they don't know about me... And I plan never EVER to tell anyone....

"What was that Aph?" Katelyn asked

"Nothing..." I replied and I dried up all my tears. We talked again about random things and my friends cheered me up. I was all happy again... Until the she demons walked over

"Oh hey COUSIN!" Leah said

"Still haven't told anyone?!" Sabrina asked. Well more like said.

"Shut up and go away." I said looking down

"Make us!" They said at the same time. My friends stood up about to attack them but Sabrina froze them.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I screamed at her

"Oh you know what!" Leah said

"YOUR NOT GETTING MJOLNIR!! {correct me if I spelt it wrong} I screamed at her

"We will get it. Even if we have to do what our dad's did to the few. Mark our words. We WILL get it!" Sabrina said and she unfronze my friends and her and Leah dissappeared. Tears were streaming down my face.

"They had to mention the few... THEY HAD TO MENTION THEM!" I shouted and ran out the cantine with more tears streaming rolling down my cheeks. I ran to the cherry tree and climbed up. I was looking at a picture of me and the few.

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More tears were falling. It felt good to let all the emotion I've kept bottled up, out. So I did. I criee for what seamed like hours. I could see and hear my friends underneath the tree asking me to come down but I ignored them. It felt wrong to ignore them but I needed too. I just miss the few so much.

Flashback start

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" I screamed at my uncles to let the few go. They didn't. They just killed the few. Tears started to stream down my face. I felt so much anger. So much pain. Too see your best friends murdered in front of you. It hurts. So I flew and ran away. Not wanting to ever go back.

Flashback end

I dried up all my tears and jumped down from the tree. Aaron caught me. We were both blushing like crazy.

"I-I can handle m-myself y-you know..." I studdered. He chuckled and put me down. Ugh I'm such a studder Queen.

"Why were you upset Aph?" Sky asked me {I'm only adding Sky Ross Max Jin and Barney from the offices}

"Missing old friends..." I replied.

"Oh..." Cadenza said, "Well if it makes you feel better me and Garroth are dating now!" she added blushing, Garroth was blushing too. I smiled like mad. Keep it in Aph.... Don't fangirl.... Keep it in... And I failed. I fangirled almost as hard as when I found out Kayla and Steven were dating. It was a prank but I still fangirled then. When I stopped fangirling everyone looked at me in shock. I laughed in their faces. They laughed with me. It feels nice to finally be able to just laugh and have fun like I used to have with the few.

"So I vote we go get ice cream!?" Zane said {He's nice for now in this}

"YES!!" We all agreed.

Time skip to when they have their ice cream

We were sat in the park when my Asgard bracelet started to glow. It can't be glowing. It only glows when the few are near. I cast a spell under my breath so my friends won't see the glowing. They can't be near. My bracelet must be malfunctioning. The glowing stopped so I took the spell off when I heard a crash from the forest near the park. We all ran to see what is was.

There he was.... Sly Stark....

Welp a cliff hanger. I swear you guys are going to kill me because of so many cliff hangers.
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But I'm gonna go.

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