Training Is Useless

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Okaro was face to face with Vegeta, one of Goku's greatest rivals. Vegeta was someone that Okaro admired because Vegeta knew how to deal with all kinds of pain. Okaro had seem memories where although Vegeta would be knocked down time and time again he would stand right back up to face the enemy. The ability, no, the will to fight when you've been beaten countless times is something that Okaro would like to grasp one day.

"So tell me, does a low class scum like yourself think you actually have a chance against the likes of me?" asked Vegeta, that's what Okaro had Nappa think as well. Okaro would simply hide his true power until he chose to strike, that way the fights would end faster and he could move on with his training. He also figured that Vegeta thought he was Goku, which meant these robot fighters weren't very bright.

"I don't have time for games." said Okaro, who transmitted in front of Vegeta and punched him in the heart hard enough to end his life. Okaro stood above the fallen foe who vanished.

"To be honest I didn't expect you to be finished so quickly." said King Plake, who made the hologram world dissipate into nothing.

"Maybe we should stop with all of this. I'm ready." said Okaro, getting tiresome of training already. He would much rather prefer the training with Goku in his dreams, even if the sessions weren't real.

"Let's dine and talk about your training." said King Plake.


Today the food wasn't as lavish as the day before, this didn't surprise Okaro but he was curious though. King Plake had the appearance and attitude of a king but wouldn't royalty have servants and followers. Okaro wondered if there was much more to his creation then just protecting this side of the galaxy, not that protecting people bored Okaro.

"So," King Plake seemed to be very troubled, "you are progressing much faster then what was expected." Although the King made a statement he seemed to be demanding an explanation. Okaro wondered if he should tell the King about his dream, and he also wondered if the training in his dream was real somehow.

"I must admit my strength does surprise me, even if I'm a clone of Goku." At that moment Okaro wished that Goku was the one he was dining with, not this possible fraud.

"Your memories are quiet strong, almost as if you can pull out a power level from a certain time." King Plake definitely knew more then he was allowing Okaro to know. Okaro wanted to know why he was made, and what was the real situation this "king" was in.

"Yeah, you can say what you want about Go..." King Plake became furious, slamming his fists down on the table.

"YOU WILL NOT SPEA..." Okaro fired a ki blast right by the King's head, he would not be pushed around by someone that he could wipe from existence with the flick of a wrist.

"Calm down, I was simply telling you that Goku's strength is greater then what you could ever know." King Plake was steaming with anger. Okaro could tell that this could not last. If Okaro stayed here much longer then he probably wouldn't make it through the night. The time had come to escape this place.

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