What To Do

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A fire was burning bright, Okaro wasn't exactly sure what he was doing but he had seen fires made throughout the village and did his best to make this one similar to what he had seen. He originally didn't plan on starting a fire but as the night came he became unbearably cold and had to do something. To be honest Okaro was embarrassed to struggle like he had so far but this was the first time in his short life that he was all on his own.

He didn't like this feeling, but he couldn't tell exactly what he was feeling. He could feel this pain in his chest, but the pain didn't seem to be real. He had never experienced a pain like this before, and he didn't know how to make the pain go away. The more he sat there the more pain grew. The pain got to the point where he was gripping at his chest, and that's when he began to think of Sitsi.

"I don't understand!" Okaro exclaimed, "I was only around her for a short time!" The woman may have been quite nice and very beautiful but she shouldn't have this kind of impact on him.

"Chi Chi." Okaro heard Goku whisper.

"Am I losing my mind?!" asked Okaro, although he knew that he wouldn't get an answer. His mind was flooded with memories of Goku and Chi Chi, then his own memories of Sitsi came into his mind driving him crazy.

"THEY'RE NOTHING ALIKE!!!" exclaimed Okaro, but that didn't help. He must have been feeling loneliness, or maybe despair. He couldn't stand this. He decided to try and make this go away. Taking flight into the air above the clouds.

"Hm, I wonder...." said Okaro glancing into the distance. Then he took off, that making him realize he hadn't actually done this before. This feeling against the wind, there was nothing like it and he had never felt so good.

He flew over an ocean, or what would be an ocean on Earth. He decided to find out what it would feel like to fly underwater. The impact didn't feel so good, but once he was underwater the feeling was amazing.

He had to resurface and took off yet again over the land. Deciding to really test his abilities he took off in full speed, now taking him around the world in mere minutes. After doing this for about half an hour he halted directly above the spot where he had made a fire.

"That's better." said Okaro, flying down and landing by the fire. His mind wasn't absolutely absent of Sitsi but that feeling of pain that he had experienced earlier had finally went away. "I'm beat." said Okaro.

He decided to lay down next to the fire and cover himself in the clothes that Sitsi had given him, making him quite warm actually. The fire helped also. Five minutes didn't pass before he was back in his dreams.

...Dream World...

"Hey I found you!" Okaro was suddenly awakened to see Goten standing beside him. It was daylight but this was clearly a dream.

Okaro sat up, "I wasn't aware that you were looking for me." Goten plopped down in front of Okaro. "So, is training why you are here?"

Goten shook his head, "No, but..." Goten stopped and glanced at the ground between the two of them.

"What's the matter Goten?" asked Okaro, trying his best to be sympathetic.

Goten didn't change his glance but looked at Okaro, "Well, my father came home recently. But he could only stay for one day and now he's gone." Okaro knew what was wrong.

"Oh, I see. You miss your dad and since I..." Goten butted in, now glancing at Okaro.

"No, well that's part of why I'm here I guess. But actually I feel lonely and since your my friend... well... I thought...." said Goten, losing confidence word by word.

This hit Okaro right in the chest, resurfacing the pain he felt earlier. That confirmed his thoughts, he was experiencing loneliness. "I understand Goten, and believe me I'm here for you." Goten's face lit up in joy, something Okaro wished he could do.


Okaro was awoken by the cold, the fire had gone out.

Alright guys here's the next chapter. I know that this is filler but I feel like this is good filler though due to exploring the emotions of our favorite protagonist Okaro. Please vote, comment, and share this story if possible. Also please check out Goku and Goten: The Saiyan Survivors. This story is excellent and I think you'll enjoy it.

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