Meet The People Of Contak

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Okaro was slowly coming to his senses, he was still recovering from transporting to this place. From space the planet looked very similar to Earth, from what he saw before he fell asleep he seemed to be right. He now could feel his wrists, and they were tied. Okaro was being held off the ground, tied by his wrists and attached to a tree. He must've been wrong about there not being anyone here.

"He's awake." The voice Okaro heard had an odd accent, he probably wasn't human.

"Maybe we should kill him, he could be a spy of some sort." Okaro had to regain hid strength, his life could depend on just that.

"Hey, I'm no spy... and I'm defini... ugh." Okaro was cut off by a punch to the gut, that was the ignitor he needed. He released his ki, all of it in fact, and pulled his wrists free. He now stood and could clearly see who had captured him. They definitely resembled humans so this planet had to of gone through a similar process to Earth.

"Whaaaa... he must be one of the Hijun!!" The middle one said, this show of power must not be something they were used to. Okaro couldn't help but to wear a smirk.

"No, I'm no Huju, whate..."

"I don't care how powerful you are! YOU WILL NOT DISRESPECT THE HIJUN!!" yelled the bigger man, and he ran at Okaro. The man definitely had courage, or he was just stupid maybe.

"Tyee, don't be ridiculous! He'll kill you where you are!" barked the middle man, Okaro figured that he must have been there leader.

Tyee didn't listen, and took a swing at Okaro. The punch was evaded and Okaro simply pushed him to the ground, Tyee seemed to have already lost his courage.

"Sorry, but I don't deal with attacks very easily." Okaro surprised himself with how calm he was in confrontation, especially a confrontation as spontaneous as this.

"It's alright, Tyee just doesn't know how to think. My name is Arank, and the man to my left is Mukki." What odd names, they must be natives.

"Why would you tie up someone that was simply resting in a field?" Okaro tried to stay calm, he didn't want to appear to be any kind of threat. He was sure he could take these three but if there were others he didn't want to do anything rash.

"Sorry that was a mistake on my part," Arank was definitely a leader by his attitude alone, "I wanted to make sure that we weren't at risk, but, with the strength that you show I guess that was pointless." Arank now showed a smirk, no a smile. Orako actually felt safe, that he could trust these people.

"Wait, you said people, so there are more of you?" asked Okaro, Mukki laughed at the question, that was his first action in all of this.

"There's a whole tribe of us. Why don't I show you and you can speak with our chief if you'd like?" asked Arank.

"Sure, but if I feel threatened I will take action, and you will not like it." Okaro had to make sure that these men knew he meant business.

"I give you my word, we no longer have an intention to hurt you, not that we even could." Arank now laughed, these people were odd. They were also kind however and Okaro was definitely interested in learning more.

"There is more to life then King Plake, thank goodness." Okaro thought.


The tribe's land was made up of wooden Cabins everywhere. The cabins all had this one mark carved into them, Okaro noticed that the three men in front had the same mark tattooed on their back.

"So, you want to tell me about that mark on your backs?" Okaro figured it just separated their clan, which would mean there are even more people out there like them.

"Mukki?" asked Arank, apparently Mukki was the brains in there group. That would explain why he was always quiet, he was observing the situation.

"That mark is the symbol of our tribe, it means fire-dance. We wear the symbol to shoe our pride in our people, the elders here say we've worn the symbol for as long as tribes have existed." So basically, although these people appear to be undeveloped there's no doubt that this is a great civilization. Something else that Okaro liked about these people was the lack of technology and strength, King Plake would never come here. Maybe he could find some peace here, train in his dreams and form a plan for his future.

"Alright, just follow me." said Arank, and Okaro followed him into a large cabin all by itself.

"How obvious to have the chief in a place like this. They must really be a peaceful people." thought Okaro.

"Why are you here Arank? I didn't summon you." That must have been the chief, he was the only person here besides them.

Hate to end it on that note more will come next Monday. Believe me there is much more to come and I'm excited to bring much, much more.

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