Clone V. Clone

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"Okaro are you alright?" asked Sitsi, causing Okaro to wake up. He was covered in sweat.

"Yeah... I'm fine." said Okaro, he had the same dream, no, nightmare over and over again all night. To be truthful he was terrified.

"You don't look okay." said Sitsi. Okaro could see the look of worry on her face, these people seemed to let their emotions get in the way a little too much. She had barely known Okaro yet she already had become attached to the point of worrying if he was okay.

"I swear I'll be fine." said Okaro, rising to his feet. Today he needed to determine whether or not he would have anything to do with these people or not. Sure, they could use his help but if that nightmare was any indicator than he could be more of a problem than a help.

"Alright, if you say so." said Sitsi. Okaro was getting a little tires of how much Sitsi was interested in his wellbeing.

"I'm going to talk with Chief Ekemos. Once I return I'll help you with anything you need." said Okaro, walking out the door before Sitsi could make another statement.

"I'll have to figure something out as far as clothing goes. I slept in my fighting gear and the smell is definitely starting to get to me." thought Okaro, that's when someone came up from behind.

"I hope everything went well yesterday?"asked Arank, the man that introduced Okaro to Chief Ekemos. He held out his hand and Okaro "shook it", something he saw in a memory. Arank seemed to be confused by the greeting, so Okaro must have gotten this wrong. He awkwardly took his hand back and the two were embarrassed.

"Sorry about that... and yes... everything went smoothly yesterday. I just wish that I could of slept better." said Okaro, Arank laughed a little at this statement.

"Sorry about the sleeping arrangements. I heard you were staying with Sitsi and I would believe the she doesn't have a spare bed." said Arank, chuckling. He came across much more kind than before, which would be due to how they met.

"That's not what I meant." thought Okaro, flashing back to the nightmare. The burning of the village, the wounded Sitsi, and the screams from the villagers. He felt so much different now about staying here only 12 hours ago, now he felt that his presence could cause a problem. On thing was certain, Okaro didn't want to see any trouble come to these people because of him.

"Well, I need to speak with Chief Ekemos if you'll excuse me." said Okaro, surprised that he had such manners.

"Of course, see you around." said Arank.


Okaro was walking through the village, surprised by how lively the place was compared to yesterday. People were moving from place to place, washing clothes, preparing food, talking about the day, just usual daily life.

"Hey mister." A little boy approached Okaro from the side. He didn't have time to mess with a kid. Although he had to admit this kid reminded him of Goten, who Okaro hadn't dreamed of in quiet some time.

"Hi there." said Okaro, hoping that keeping things short would keep the kid away, he was wrong.

"Aren't you the guy everyone's talking about?" asked the kid.

"Hm, aren't you vague?" thought Okaro.

"I'd imagine that I am, the names Okaro." said Okaro, the kid than reached up to him. Okaro didn't know what to, that's when a memory flooded his mind.

"No more goodbyes, times up." said Baba, the Z fighters were at the lookout.

"But..." Goten spoke up, causing Goku to turn around and face his youngest son.

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