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Although Okaro woke up at least 3 more times throughout the night, he did get a good amount of rest. After waking up and finally getting himself to his feet Okaro decided to go to the next village to gather some supplies to better equip himself for being on his own. Once Okaro reached the trail from yesterday he decided that he would be best off to take things slow and simply walk the trail. He didn't know if the trail actually led him anywhere but he figured that he had plenty of time to find out.

That's when the ground below Okaro's feet began to shake. "What on..." began Okaro before noticing the group of men riding on horses coming his way. He walked off the trail to let them pass but as they reached Okaro the one out in front had them halt.

"Never seen you before." stated the man out in front. Okaro hadn't been addressed like that before, telling him that there was definitely something different about this man.

"I'm a traveler, I..." began Okaro, getting interrupted by the man.

"Oh, I see. Tell me," the man was now glancing down the trail towards the village that Okaro had left, "Did you just come from the village not far from here?" The man was pointing in the direction of the village.

"I walked through it yesterday." said Okaro, who didn't really care for the way this man was acting.

"So, would you say that the village is heavily fortified?" asked another man. Okaro thought this might bother the supposed leader, but he just continued to look ahead.

"Um, no." said Okaro, who was putting the situation together in his head, these people planned on attacking the village. He should have known this by the physique of the men and the weapons that were attached to them.

"Thank you." said the one in front. He head in the direction of the village, the rest of his group not far behind. That's when Okaro caught a glempse at their backs, revealing a different symbol than that of the village where they were headed. There was no doubt in Okaro's mind, those men had full plans to attack the village.

"I could help them, but they want nothing to do with me." said Okaro, turning around and heading down the trail once again. He couldn't help but think of what those men would do to the people at the village if they were successful in their attack.

There was Arank and his two companions, but Okaro didn't recall coming across any other fighters at the village. He knew that they were in trouble but he didn't feel like there was a reason to help, after all once you do wrong by someone you lose what you had with them. Okaro had lost out on a life and he needed to move on. Even if that meant the possible loss of Sitsi. She had left an impact on him but he would meet other women.

That's when he sensed it, a life force leaving this world. Okaro turned to face the village, where another life force vanished. He clenched his fists, "Why should I care?" He turned away from the village and continued walking until he felt another life force vanish, what if that was Sitsi.

"I'm not a monster, I have to do something." Okaro leapt into the air and sped off to the village as fast as he could fly.

...The Village...

"Now, I'm not going to say it again, hand over the rights to this land." said the man in front of the others, the presumed leader. Chief Ekemos stood in front his fellow people.

"I will not hand you anything." Chief Ekemos said, "you have killed to set an example, showing you are not truly fit to lead. Therefore you will get nothing." The man jumped off his horse and approached the Chief.

"I'm not going to talk about this anymore." The man said, pulling a sword from the sheath on his back. "I'm afraid the end is nye for you."

That's when a ki blast only powerful enough to knock the man off of his feet hit him right in the chest. Okaro landed between the people that didn't want him and the man who wanted them dead.

"Are you mad?" asked the man, angered by Okaro's action.

"Actually I am, I'm mad that you would dare hurt the people I care about." Okaro was completely serious in this moment. "You will not touch them."

The man got to his feet, now standing by two of his men. "Hm, I think you may have really lost your mind, it's you, only one man, versus thirty of my men."

Okaro said nothing, entering his fighting stance. The man gave a hand sign resembling a order and his men began approaching Okaro. "Fine, if that's what you want." Okaro held his fighting stance but released enough ki to make the ground tremble, causing the men in front of him to shake in fear.

"Wh-wh-what are you?" asked the man. Okaro smirked at the one.

"Do you really want to know?" asked Okaro, releasing another round of ki. This time the men fell to the ground before Okaro.

"Let's get out of here sir." suggested one of his men. The man nodded and his men returned to their horses, galloping away at full speed.

Okaro lowered hid ki and faced the villagers. Chief Ekemos stepped forward and stood in front of Okaro, giving him a sincere look. The rest of the villagers didn't really seem to know what to think. Okaro spotted Arank, who wore a smirk. Then he spotted Sitsi, who seemed to have a blush for some reason.

"I-i'm sorry, I'll leave." Okaro said, but before he could do so Chief Ekemos placed a hand on Okaro's shoulder.

"Okaro, you don't have to go anywhere." Okaro felt a warm feeling rise up in him, the feeling must have been true happiness.


"Let's hear it for him!"


The villagers had a very different view on Okaro now, which made him very happy. Chief Ekemos placed an arm around the shoulder of Okaro and led him to the people. Okaro received a nod of approval from most of the villagers including Arank and his men, Okaro was surprised how easy it was to win over these people.

"Okaro?" Okaro turned to see Sitsi, still wearing that blush from earlier. Chief Ekemos patted Okaro on the back and walked off.

"Chief Ekemos..." Okaro shouted after him, the Chief simply waved back at his friend.

"Okaro, I'll speak with you tomorrow." Okaro nodded and turned back to face Sitsi.

"What's the matter Sitsi?" Okaro asked, causing Sitsi to quickly straighten herself up and blush an even darker tint.

"No-nothing, why would you say that?" Okaro giggled at Sitsi's shy full behavior.

"Just that your acting funny." He said reaching out his hand poking Sitsi on the forehead. Sitsi turned an even darker tint, something Okaro didn't think was possible. That's when Okaro realized that Sitsi hadn't acted this way before, she must have missed him too. The thought of Sitsi missing him made Okaro smile.

"Oh, sorry." Sitsi looked down at her feet and crossed her arms.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed, I think it's perfectly natural to miss someone." Sitsi once again stared at Okaro in shock.

"I never said that!" Sitsi exclaimed, well, as well as a shy person can. Okaro laughed this time, causing Sitsi to get even angrier.

"Why don't we go back to your house?" From the look on Sitsi's face Okaro could tell that she got the wrong idea. "Unless I no longer live there."

"No no no, of course you do!" Sitsi looked away from Okaro, causing him to reach out and bring his face back into her focus.

"Let's go home Chi Chi." Okaro turned a deep red after that, where on Earth did that come from. "I mean Sitsi."

Sitsi turned and walked towards her cabin, "Let's go Okaro." Sitsi giggled at the rare embarrassment of Okaro.

Well here's my next chapter guys. I hope that you will comment, vote, and share my story with others and I hope that you enjoyed my latest chapter. Please give TheSpokenTruth1, AbdulKhaliq7, and Jaffamaster786 a look at the stories they have been writing those three are great friends and supproters.

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