The Darkest Hour

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Last time on Dragonball X Okaro finally awakens after his battle with the clones to find that he had slept for three straight days but that's not all, Lady Sareth is now in the village! Why has she arrived? Is this a danger? What will become of this? Find out in this chapter of Dragonball X!

Okaro sat down in his usual spot where he would watch over the training and sparring grounds. Lady Sareth sat a couple feet away from him. She seemed to be surprised to see that there were so many people here that were skilled fighters.

"Okaro, has it always been this way?" asked Lady Sareth, pointing out all the men that were training.

Okaro smiled and closed his eyes remembering when this all first started.


"You want to start training our men?" asked Chief Ekemos, stunned to hear Okaro ask this only days after his return. They were seated in Chief Ekemos's cabin.

"Yes, I don't want anymore bloodshed to fall upon your people. I feel the only way to stop that is to train the men here how to fight." Okaro was absolutely serious about this, he never wanted to see anyone he cared about get hurt again.

"I see. Well, why don't you start with Arank and his two followers and go from there." Okaro stood up and nodded to Chief Ekemos.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

...time skip...

"Alright! How was that?!" Okaro was still full of energy, something that Arank, Tyee, and Mukki couldn't believe. They had just done a days worth of training and were completely wore out, Okaro really was something else.

"I think... you've really lost your mind Okaro." Arank said, breathing heavily between every other word. Okaro laughed and took a seat by his comrades.

"Don't worry, give it time and you'll become strong enough to defend the things you care about most." This received a smile from his three comrades.

...back to Contak...

"Well I guess you could say that it's been going on ever since I arrived."Okaro said, his full gaze on the people training in front of him. Lady Sareth said nothing, she simply nodded and smiled.

"Okaro, good to see you finally came around." Mukki said, approaching Lady Sareth and Okaro. Tyee was also with Mukki but Tyee never did say much.

"Yep, I feel great. Where's Arank?" asked Okaro.

Mukki laughed and Tyee smirked, "Believe me when I say he wanted to be here. But his old lady wanted to celebrate their anniversary at home so I imagine he's still there."

Okaro laughed and noticed that Lady Sareth was blushing, "You alright Lady Sareth?" Lady Sareth nearly jumped and shook her head yes.

"Yes I'm fine." She spat out quickly, making the other three wonder what she was thinking.

"I must say at first I wanted nothing to do with this Lady," Mukki was pointing at Lady Sareth, "Then I thought of you Okaro." This made Okaro happy, he loved to hear that he was having a impact on people.

"Mukki, that's enough chit chat." Tyee was already on his way to the training grounds. Mukki have a small wave goodbye and followed his comrade.

Okaro turned to face Lady Sareth and smiled, "So, what was that blush about?"

Lady Sareth also turned to face Okaro, she smiled and kept her gaze on her knees. "I was just off in my own little world that's all."

Okaro giggled at that, she,reminded him of Sitsi and made him wonder if all women would act like this around him. "Alright, so why did King Plake put you here?" Lady Sareth looked surprised at the sudden change of topic.

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