Chief Ekemos And Sitsi

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"This is Okaro." said Arank, gesturing for Okaro to come forward before his leader.

"Your not of this place are you?" asked the Chief. He seemed to be very intelligent, and old.

"No, to be honest I'm not of this planet." said Okaro, the chief looked genuinely shocked.

"Arank you can leave us," and so he did, "please, take a seat." There really wasn't much of a seat, just a pile of something that resembled hay. "I am Chief Ekemos, I have led my people for a long time, likely far longer then your time." Okaro kept his eyes on the chief, he was nothing like the other three men he had met. This one was someone that knew many things, that was obviously just by his voice alone.

"I would imagine so." Okaro hadn't acted this serious in his short life so far, and it was awkward for him for Goku never was serious.

"So tell me, why exactly did Arank bring you to me?" asked the Chief, Okaro didn't really feel that being truthful was a good idea at the moment.

"I don't believe the original intention was to do that, but after I showed what I can do I think Arank wanted to get on my good side." The Chief nodded at this answer, which made Okaro realize that these people could sense his power. He needed to mask his power in case King Plake came looking for him.

"I must say, no one of your power has ever crossed my path. There must be a reason you are here." The Chief was incredibly intelligent, and Okaro knew that he could trust him with a sliver of the truth.

"I'm not a bad guy, I promise that, but I guess you could say that I'm on the run." Okaro hadn't realized that he was acting so gloom, but the Chief had.

"Tell me, would you ever hurt me or my people?"

"Never, I really don't want to hurt anybody but if I'm put in a situation where I must defend myself I will." Okaro wanted the Chief to trust him, after all he had no where else to go.

"Well, if you agree to help with the occasional hunt and such things you may stay here as long as you need to figure out what you plan to do." Okaro couldn't believe the kindness of this man, he had been told that Okaro is on the run but he didn't mind his company. "Oh, but let's not disclose that you are a wanted man to anyone here though, you're a good man I can see it and I wouldn't want anyone to think any less of you."

"Thank yo... wait, where will I stay? I wouldn't want to be a bother here at your place." Okaro didn't want to step over any boundaries but he definitely wanted a warm place to sleep.

"I'm afraid no one else can sleep here," must have been a part of their religion, "but there is someone that I believe would like your company. Come with me." Okaro was nervous, hopefully Chief Ekemos wasn't speaking of one of the three from earlier.


The cabin Chief Ekemos brought Okaro to wasn't anything special but he wouldn't complain.

"Hello Sitsi." Chief Ekemos led the way into the cabin, Okaro was curious, someone new.

"Chief Ekemos! What a surprise! What's th..." She spotted the odd man behind the Chief.

"Wow, women." thought Okaro, he couldn't identify what he was feeling, but he could definitely tell that she was beautiful. Her brown hair, green eyes, she had a very healthy figure as well.

"As you can see, we have a guest that's not of this village." Okaro was relieved that Chief Ekemos didn't tell too much.

"I don't mean to be rude, b-but he doesn't seem to be of this world." Sitsi's face had turned red, either she was attracted to Okaro or she was embarrassed to make the statement.

The Chief chuckled, trying to brush off her statement as to be a joke. "Yes, he does appear to be different but he has a pure heart I can assure you."

"I'm sorry Chief, but I still don't understand why you are here." She became nervous, and that's when Okaro noticed that,she was alone in this cabin. Which didn't make sense because on the way here Okaro had seen the other cabins full of families. Her cabin was fairly simple, just her bed, a little area for her clothes, and a little fireplace.

"Ah, yes, this is Okaro and he needs a place to stay and I know that you are lonesome, I thought you could help each other out." Okaro didn't want to impose but he didn't have a choice.

"Oh... of c-course, I'd be happy to host our friend Okaro." Okaro wanted to take the task of thanking her himself.

"Thank you, and I promise that as long as I'm here that no trouble will come to you." Said Okaro, not realizing until after he said what he had that he came across as a boring fighter. "But I must say I can eat some food so I'll have to do some hunting." She laughed after that, good.

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