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"Okay, he may be watching me, but I have to get out of here." thought Okaro, he had made his way to his room. He didn't really know what he would do or where he would go but he had no choice, he didn't want to become another failed experiment for this corrupt man.

The first thing to do was simple, get out of this room. He approached the door and the scanner read his hand, rejecting his demand. Of course, King Plake didn't want to take any risks. This wouldn't stop Okaro, however. He grabbed each side or the door and pulled it off with his strength. He was surprised by the difficulty of removing the door but he still pulled it off anyway.

That's when the sirens went off. "Crap!" Okaro had to find some kind of escape pod, where he would go he didn't know but he had to get away. That's when the thought of simply killing King Plake but that's not something Goku would do and Okaro admired the spirit of Goku.

"Okaro, it's past curfew." It was King Plake's voice over the intercom.

"Wasn't that you that said actions speak louder then words." Okaro couldn't help but smirk, there was nothing King Plake could do to stop him. He fired a ki blast and destroyed the nearest camera. That should tell the King everything that he needed to know.


Okaro had ran all throughout the ship, but he could not locate an escape pod anywhere. "Dammit." He knew that he would have to go confront his creator, and if things went sour he'd have to break the no killing rule he gave himself.

Okaro sat down and began to search for the King's ki but that when he felt a sharp pain. He had been shot.

"You are under arrest by order of the king." When Okaro turned to face the enemy he saw two robots, something King Plake was wise to invest in.

"You know, that actually kinda hurt." Okaro laughed a little. Then he simply threw two ki blasts at them and blew them to bits. "I'll probably never have to use any real techniques." That's when he locked on to King Plake's ki and transported to meet him eye to eye.

"I'm leaving, I have no intention of ever helping you." King Plake didn't seem to be angry, he was likely trying to play Okaro.

"You don't even know the real reason I made you." King Plake was so cold in his speaking, Okaro had yet to see this side of the King. "Two years ago, in my kingdom there was an uprising, my people, MY PEOPLE OVERTHREW ME! They sent me to exile in space, this ship being all I have now." Okaro didn't need to hear anymore, he knew exactly what King Plake was planning.

"I will not help you enslave anyone, sorry."

"But think of all the powe..."

"I DON'T WANT ANY THING ELSE THAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER, now, if you know what's good for you, you'll tell me how to get off this ship." Okaro had to collect himself, getting angered like that would only hinder his abilities.

"Sorry, when I was exiled I didn't have the time to install the escape pods. You're out of luck." King Plake was grinning, he must think that Okaro had lost his spirit but he was wrong.

"I hope to never see you again." Okaro said, changing his view to the planet that he could see through the glass wall in the room.

"You don't have the power..." Okaro still had to try, he would not stay here another moment... even death would be better then this. He teleported... focusing all his energy on that planet.

Dragon Ball X: The King Plake SagaWhere stories live. Discover now