The New One

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It was dark in the meeting room, the only light being a candle in the middle room placed on the middle of the table there. Lady Sareth sat at one end of the table and King Plake at the other. The room was filled with silence, the ship had been very quiet since Okaro had left. The Lady didn't want the King to be upset but there was definitely a reason for the sadness.

"I'm going to make another clone." said King Plake, not making any movement at all.

"Good, then we can move on to our goal of recapturing the kingdom." said Lady Sareth, happy to finally be moving on from that Okaro.

"No, this clone will destroy that traitor!" The King raised his head to match Lady Sareth's gaze. Had he gone mad?

"Do you really expect this to work?" asked Lady Sareth, concern in her voice. She didn't want her King to become obsessed with this defected clone.

"I must do something, what happens when that CLONE comes back looking to finish his work?" retorted King Plake, now standing before Lady Sareth. He didn't even want to comply with this woman. He was a king and shouldn't be questioned by a follower.

"Making another clone won't even work, we don't have anymore DNA of Goku. This one won't be able to defeat Okar..." King Plake shut up Lady Sareth by grasping her throat and slamming her against to the wall. There he stayed like that for another five minutes before letting her go. She fell straight to the floor. She was in shock, he had never gone this far with his anger before. The saddest part was he had no remorse for the act he had just committed.

"I will be damned to not give that clone, NOT OKARO, I WILL NOT HEAR THAT CLONE HAVE A NAME ANY LONGER, everything I have. I will see him dead!" King Plake was losing his mind, which would make sense after losing a kingdom and having his revenge destroyed all in the same year.

"You are going mad my King, you are allowing this clone to ruin what you are trying to achieve." Lady Sareth had gotten back to her feet, but she still felt dizzy. The sad part was she made more sense in a dizzy state then he did now.

"You will either stand with me or against me. You made a pact to follow me for all of your days, YOU said that you believed in what I believed in." King Plake had truly lost sight of what he originally had planned, he had become obsessed with seeing those who stand against him burn.

"My King please, he won't bother us I'm sure..."

"You are sure, you, ARE SURE! I must make him see the wrong he has done. No one betrays me, no one and he will see that." There was no convincing the King that he was wrong, he would die before conceding.

"Yes my King, we will see your revenge come to pass." said Lady Sareth, terrified of what her King had become.


"It's a good thing that you took several of these Clone Chambers, since you blew up the last one." said Lady Sareth, King Plake was wondering if letting her in on everything he did was actually a good idea. She could really get on his nerves.

"Yes... you are right." He had regained his composure, something that seemed to be harder and harder for him to do. At this rate he would likely die from the stress that was self-imposed.

"So tell me, since we don't have the DNA what power will this one possess?" King Plake laughed, was her question a stupid one or did he find the question to be humorous. Regardless he needed to take this all more seriously, after all Okaro was very powerful already.

"Simple, this clone may not hold that much power but, the clone will possess all the abilities of every fighter Goku has fought all the way up to Majin Buu."

"Still doesn't explain how the clone will be able to kill Okaro." King Plake couldn't stand how much she questioned him, although another perspective probably helped him.

"Easy, Okaro won't be able to kill him. Once his energy is gone this clone will kill him, as simple as that." Lady Sareth had to respect this plan, even if King Plake had gone mad in revenge he still had his smarts.

"When will this clone begin his attack?" asked Lady Sareth.

"Tomorrow, we don't need Okaro getting any stronger then he already is."

I want to thank the few supporters I have, I'm really enjoying writing this story and I feel like the more I write the more this story takes its own path. One thing about DBZ that everyone loves is the action so don't worry, there will be plenty of it in the next few chapters.

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