The Warning

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Okaro took a seat on the pallet that Sitsi had just made him. It wasn't much, just a wool pillow and about 3 or 4 blankets but at least he had somewhere to sleep.

"I'm sorry that you must sleep on the floor, maybe tomorrow we can find a bed for you." Sitsi commented, who was seated on her own bed. He could tell that she was incredibly nervous, this was likely uncommon for someone to share her hut with her.

"Sitsi you have done more than what anyone could of asked, and for that I thank you." Okaro assured her. He was trying his best to be polite and thankful, something he hadn't had to be in his short life.

There was a silence, apparently Sitsi didn't talk much. This was only the second time that she had even talked to him, there had to be a reason for the way a beautiful woman like herself would do this.

"So... you want to tell me why you live alone?" Okaro asked. He didn't want to come across as nosey, but he also wanted to learn more about this woman who fascinated him so much. She just sat there, facing away from Okaro. He wanted her to feel safe around him, he couldn't tell why he felt so protective of this woman but he just wanted to make her feel safe. "I only want to make you feel safe, I promise you with me here in your home you are the safest individual in your tribe."

She finally turned to face Okaro, there were dried tear marks on her face. "I live alone because my whole family was slaughtered by another tribe in an attack when I was only a young adult." mumbled Sitsi. The tears resurfaced in her eyes and strolled down her face, this made Okaro tense up inside. He wanted to help her but couldn't find the strength to move, he couldn't understand the pain that she endured for he hadn't experienced losing someone like she had. He hoped that he never would either.

"I'm so sorry, that's awful." Okaro told himself that if this tribe was to be attacked by another tribe that he would make sure to keep the other tribes away for good. Maybe there was more to this place than just an escape from King Plake.

"It's alright, let's get some sleep. We can discuss more of this tomorrow if you'd like." Okaro loosened up, he definitely was ready for bed, even if he was sleeping on a pallet.

"Goodnight Sitsi."

"Goodnight Okaro."


Okaro found himself in the middle of the village, what he saw was pure horror. There was fire everywhere, he could hear the screaming from the natives. Okaro was frozen, he had never experienced this feeling before. The feeling had to be fear, his heart had never raced this fast before.

"Wh-wh-what i-i-is going on?" asked Okaro, although he wouldn't get answer. All he heard in return was more yelling from the villagers. "I have to help!" Okaro ran to the source of the screaming where he again froze.

Sitsi was on the ground before him, bloody and close to death. "Sitsi..." said Okaro choked up, now on his knees holding the woman. He was shaking all over, with a mixture of anger and fear flowing through him.

That's when he heard the cry of Chief Ekemos coming from his cabin that was also on fire. "No!" exclaimed Okaro, he wanted to do something but his body was frozen. The emotions were overtaking him, he couldn't control even his senses.

"Okaro...," Sitsi had awoken, choking on her blood, "they're after you." Okaro's eyes filled with tears, this had to be King Plake. "Goodbye Okaro."


Okaro sat straight up in his bed, covered in sweat. He should have been relieved that this was a dream, but he couldn't help but feel that this was a premonition.

Alright guys I know that this is a shorter chapter but this begins the relationship of Okaro and Sitsi. Btw anyone reading this should go check out Goku and Goten: The Saiyan Survivors. Until next time.

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