A New Dream

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Weak... Okaro felt so weak. He fell straight onto his stomach, he had succeeded. He couldn't move, couldn't speak, he could barely even think. He didn't want to fall asleep but he had no choice, his body seemed to be on auto pilot and he just had to hope that he was alone....

Okaro found himself out in a forest, in front of someone that appeared to be Goku but much shorter and younger.

"Goku?" Okaro didn't know what to make of this, maybe his dreams wouldn't all have the same time line Goku, but the Goku that he needed training from at the time.

"Goku," odd, the kid seemed confused, "Oh... that's my dad, not me." Okaro could tell that the kid belonged to Goku and that he spoke the truth. He laughed just like Goku.

"So, if you're not Goku then what's your name?" The kid seemed to be a little distressed, Okaro couldn't imagine why. Goku didn't have a problem with Okaro butting in his life, at least his dream life.

"I'm Goten, say, my brother was supposed to help me prepare for Martial Arts Tournament bit he's not here so..." Okaro smirked, the kid wanted to train. He guessed that it'd be fun to do the training instead of the learning.

"Yes, I'll train you, now take your stance." Okaro flew at Goten and kicked him back against a tree. He was about to attack again when he noticed that Goten wasn't even reacting.

"Hey! That's not what I meant by training!" The kid was quiet rash for someone that could be stricken down so easily.

"Okay then, what did you have in mind?" Okaro was puzzled, why wouldn't Goten want training that would be similar to what he would experience at the tournament.

"Well, something my brother and I like to do is practice dodging rocks!" Now Okaro was truly confused, how would dodging rocks help Goten in any way.

"I don't mean to..." That's when Okaro thought, "If I'm in this dream then there must be a reason for this."

"Okay, I'll train you, but afterwards we're going to chow down okay?"

"That sounds great!" Okaro started to feel something he hadn't yet, the impact of friendship.


"Wow, your much stronger then Gohan." Goten said, Okaro was surprised that the kid hadn't asked about why they look similar. Maybe the reason was that he had a similar spirit to Goku, who didn't notice the similarity until after he saw Okaro fight. Something Goten hadn't seen yet.

"Actually, the only thing you really know is that I'm faster then your brother, you've not seen my strength." Goten seemed embarrassed, one would figure that such a small mistake would mean so little. Then again maybe that's all Goten had, the small things.

"I'm sorry, you're right." All the spunk that the kid had shown during their training was gone now, revealing a whole other side to him.

"Here's a tip, don't be sorry. Don't ever be afraid to stand your ground because if you show fear then you will show weakness. Never be afraid to seek the truth. Okay?" This seemed to cheer up Goten. There was much more to this character then what would meet the eye.

"Yes sir." He had better manners then Okaro, or maybe Goten just respected him. "Say, why do we look alike?" There it was, the spunk was already resurfacing.

"To be honest with you I'm not sure." Okaro didn't have to lie, but he wanted to chat with his friend. He hadn't a friend to this point, even if the friend was only in a dream. "I think it's time for that food!"

"Yes!" Goten pumped his fists into the air, launching himself at least twenty feet into the air.

"He's so much like his father, I hope I can one day be the same." thought Okaro, then he was awoken from his dream.

This may be a little confusing. I know that in an explanation in an earlier chapter that Okaro was only supposed to dream of memories, but hasn't all the other expectations been exceeded by the clone. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I'd expect more chapters within the week.

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